week of feb 19 2007: Yeast Radio
Monday, 2/19/07
from yr531
blog link: http://yeastradio.podshow.com/?p=994
show link: http://www.syphill.us/sirius/weekof021907/yr531sirius.mp3
Synopsis: Madge reads her version of the F-list, but hers is called the H-list. The Opera Queen calls with lots of operatic drama and gossip. Senators Fenstein and Beiden and why they are turds. Also, Madge makes yogurt with her vagina.
Wednesday, 2/21/07
from yr532
blog link: http://yeastradio.podshow.com/?p=995
show link: http://www.syphill.us/sirius/weekof021907/yr532sirius.mp3
Synopsis: Mad Dutch Vlogger Michael Schaap is the guest today as Madge talks to him about how fat she is and about Michael’s new vlog co-op, UnitedVloggers.org.
Saturday, 2/24/07
from yr533
blog link: http://yeastradio.podshow.com/?p=997
show link: http://www.syphill.us/sirius/weekof021907/yr533sirius.mp3
Synopsis: Trippy voicemails from the Yeast Radio of ten years ago. (Yes, yeast radio actually started in 1997. Thanks to Marcus Couch, I’m able to play those long almost forgotten tapes.)