Blue Blog

America has never been about equality. It’s about inequality. Case in point: marriage equality. Case in point: healthcare. There are assholes in this world who don’t think that everyone should have equal access to healthcare as well as marriage. Whether it’s about race, gender, sexual preference, etc., it’s always about the same thing: bigotry. We […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

I’m trying to put some closure (well not really closure- can’t think of a better word) on this topic because the debate among friends and acquaintances has gotten heated. I respect anyone who does his/her best to vote for the right person. My friends are pretty much split down the middle with respect to Hillary/Obama. […]

This “Message to LGBT Americans” has been floating around for a few days. I think this document is great for reassuring Clinton’s constituents that they are voting for the right candidate, but it does nothing to change my loyalties, which admittedly can (and have) change(d) with the wind. Do you see the word ‘marriage’ anywhere […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on How to Oppose Escalation of the Iraq War It’s very simple. Go there. It’s not a surge. It’s murder.