Blue Blog

UPDATE: just found out about this: Just to let you know- while google finally did reinstate my gmail account late Saturday, they did not fully reinstate my google plus account. They re-enabled my account only to the extent that I can log into it but I cannot post anything at all. This is of […]

So if corporations have freedom to spend whatever they want on campaigns, and corporations can be owned by anyone, including foreigners, how are we now not China’s bitch? Cold war what? Communism who?

I’m livid to hear about the murder of Akmal Shaikh by the Chinese communist government. Akmal was a British citizen and this was the first time china executed a foreign national in about 50 years. The guy they killed was, according to his family, a sufferer of severe bipolar disorder complete with delusions of grandeur. […]

Categories: journalism | Add a Comment

Bicyclemark just interviewed Bhagdad Brian’s wife. Brian was imprisoned yesterday for videotaping a protest in Beijing. This is ridiculous. First China deports vloggers for doing the same thing. Now they’ve upped the ante by imprisoning the vloggers. Is it because they know Americans don’t give a shit? Please listen and spread the word. America cannot […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

noneck’s links: Twitter Qik Video Blog Huffington Post Article He will be interviewed tomorrow on Democracy Now and Friday on our friend Mikeypod‘s podcast.

Categories: journalism | 2 Comments

from Marije Meerman, the wife of my friend Michael Schaap from Amsterdam: Coming Tuesday the 12th of August, the documentary China Prep will be broadcasted by PBS – Wideangle at 9 PM (ET). The film is produced by the Dutch company Submarine ( and originally made for an European audience. A co-production with the American […]

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Rotten Apples

Apple’s hardware has become as bad as Microsoft’s software, if not worse.

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan reporting from Cuba

News from Havana In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan After a slightly hairy flight from Cancun, Mexico, to Havana, Cuba, Col. Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Adele Welty (Son, Timmy was a firefighter who was killed in the line of duty on 9/11—and she is a member of 9-11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows), Tiffany Burns […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on World Continues to Ignore the Horrific, Unimaginable Human Rights Abuses Caused by Chinese Government

Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group …Ms. Fu’s body showed no signs of decay. Her head had been shaved; both eyeballs were missing and the flesh around the sockets had ulcerated. There were two black holes on the nose. The upper body was bare, her underwear was wrapped around her head and her trousers were […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on China Sucks and Anderson Cooper does a half-assed job.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper became “half a heroâ€? with his reporting about Organ Tourism; only half a hero, because he managed to render that report and not breathe one word about Falun Gong persecution. He went half way towards breaking our story. (One and a half cheers for Anderson Cooper!) The number of confirmed deaths in […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Edinburgh Evening News – Edinburgh – Protests over China human organ harvest

Edinburgh Evening News – Edinburgh – Protests over China human organ harvest A PROTEST was set to take place today in support of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. Students from Edinburgh universities and the College of Art, Falun Gong practitioners and members of Amnesty International were all expected to gather outside the office of the […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Asian Group Established To Probe Into China Organ Harvesting « Status of Chinese People

Asian Group Established To Probe Into China Organ Harvesting « Status of Chinese People More than 100 legislators, lawyers, doctors, human rights activists and non-governmental organization heads from Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Macau yesterday established an Asian branch of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China. Democratic Progressive […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Organ Theft Happens in the United States Now Too!

Could you be any prouder to be an americunt? Is it not obvious that the next step, if it’s not already happening, is homeless people being murdered for their organs? This week seven undertakers in the New York area have admitted being part of a scheme to steal body parts for transplants. The criminal operation […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on China’s Censorship

I think most people are missing the point about China’s censorship. It works both ways. They are preventing the outside world from seeing what they are doing to their people just as much as they are not letting their citizens see what’s going on here, if not more so. It’s a shame. What does everyone […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Are human organ sales next for Wal Mart?

I wouldn’t rule it out!

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Dead Nun(RED)CHINA

“Isn’t China just darling and hip? I know: let’s name and color our new ipod after the totalitarian communist state that manufacturs them!” -Steven P.”Pigtoe” Jobs

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

ANyone have the financial report on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS? I’m curious to know how much of the 5% of the price of the chic ipod actually goes to people with AIDS. Do you think maybe it would be better for people to give $200 to the an AIDS charitiy directly instead of […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Upwards of 40,000 Falun Gong Practioners Secretly Killed on Demand for Organs

OK, folks, I think it’s time to realize that this is maybe just a little bit more serious then some senator sending dirty text messages to his pages. China is killing people for their organs. I’ve been reading a lot about this stuff and there’s tons more evidence. I will do a follow up report […]