Blue Blog
Categories: Politics, war against dumb | Comments Off on What’s the difference?

…between a Republican and a Democrat? Both allow corporations to fasciastly run the state: His achievement required political clout, and that, too, is on display. Soon after he formed Citigroup, Congress repealed a Depression-era law that prohibited goliaths like the one Weill had just put together anyway, combining commercial and investment banking, insurance and stock […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on How to Oppose Escalation of the Iraq War It’s very simple. Go there. It’s not a surge. It’s murder.

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan is Going to Guantanamo on an Historic Mission

Jan 6, 2007 On January 6, GoldStar Families for Peace Co-Founder Cindy Sheehan joins a 15-person delegation to Guantanamo. The delegation will include family members of detainees, former detainees, constitutional lawyers and US peace activists Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin,Co-Founders of CODEPINK and Colonel Ann Wright. Torture is immoral, ineffective and absolutely illegal under domestic […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Clinton/Obama: Bad Idea

A clinton/obama ticket would alienate the enormous percentage of americans who are anti-war. I would be a sure fire way to loose the election. Of course, they will blame it on the green party. When are democrats going to learn to court the far left in the same way the republicans court the far right?

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Ignore the Anti-Pelosi Stuff. It’s a GOPiggie Trick


Categories: Politics | Comments Off on READ THIS NOW: Important Words From Cindy Sheehan

Sit Down for Peace, Justice, and Accountability Cindy Sheehan I usually end my articles with a call to action, but today, I begin with one. Maybe readers get bored with my pieces before the end and don’t get to the action part, which is the most important part. Gold Star Families for Peace is calling […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan is Organizing a Sit-in on Election Day

We Want our Country Back and The Troops Home from Iraq Massive Sit-in, White House November 7th and 8th A message from Cindy Sheehan: Good comes from the bottom up—crap rolls down hill. I am tired of getting crapped on by our government—when will it be enough for you? We are covered with crap and […]