Blue Blog
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I found it interesting that Merril Lynch is sponsoring the excellent gay podcast, In the Life TV Does anyone know of other gay podcasts with large corporate benefactors?

Categories: Me | 16 Comments

So I’ve been doing fewer Eclectic News Briefs and more Ax Madge episodes. The reason is two-fold. A) It’s easier to write ax madge. and B) I get more feedback and positive reactions from Ax Madge. I may faze out ENB altogether. It is a ton of work and while it generates many many downloads […]

Categories: Me, Politics | 2 Comments

I had to do this for a conference and thought I’d post it in case someone wants to encorporate it into my wikipedia bio. I don’t touch my wikipedia bio, nor did I write it in the first place, since people go off on you for that. Richard Bluestein is a podcaster primarily known for […]

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

FACEBOOK IS OFFICIALLY OVER, as is social networking in general. This National Socialist Networking site operates on the premise that we need them more than they need us. Well get fucked. Facebook was an annoying waste of time that serves no purpose whatsoever other than to fill lonely spiritually deficient americans’ empty minds and time. […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on SIRIUS SHOWS FOR WEEK OF 01/08/07

Shows are at 9:00PM Pacific Standard Time, the first half hour of hour 3 of Adam Curry’s Podshow on Sirius Stars Channel 102. Subscribe to Sirius! It’s great- I especially LOVE Playboy Radio, Richard Simmons and of course Howard Stern. NOTE: The Monday and Saturday shows from last week with Ryanne and Jay did not […]

Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment

So Joseph was married to Mary, right? But Mary was a virgin when she got pregnant. So then Joseph never fucked Mary? OK, then either Mary was a lying whore OR Joseph was gay. Either way, Christians need to accept whores and fags.

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

They have cancelled my account for posting non-pornographic material. Youtube is censorship. I’ll cuntinue posting my stuff on which is NOT censored at all. PLEASE BOYCOTT YOUTUBE. It’s not a good thing. Anyone can get a free account at and post anything without fear of censwhoreship as well. may be the same […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

System Upgrade – The PodShow Garage’s Blog – Hello all and we hope that your weekend is off to a great beginning! Everyone here at PodShow has been working hard this week, and this weekend is no exception. On Sunday morning, we are going to be adding several racks of new, uber-cool, super-fast, and […]