Blue Blog
Categories: Humour, Me, travel | 2 Comments

I sit here at a cafe in my last month of Paris after having lived here for more than six months. I should have loved it but I did not. There is a charm to it but thanks to my constant anxiety slash panic it has been too hard. Strange considering that I have a […]

Categories: Me, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Jesus. I just realized I haven’t posted for over a year! I guess I should post more frequently.

My friend often speaks of obesity as an agressive act. I am on the 78 montrose bus. I was sitting comfortably in my seat when a member of said farkenspestulance sat on the seat in front of me, doing so with no sympathy whatsoever for his seat. It crushed my knees. 50 years ago this […]

Categories: Me | 2 Comments

A lot of people, most of whom are not geeks or vloggers or podcasters, tell me, “I don’t know what to watch” with respect to videoblogs. So I made this. it’s just a simple list of episodes, NOT vlogs or feeds, that I liked and think others would like as well. For me this is […]

Categories: Me | 1 Comment
Categories: Me | 16 Comments

So I’ve been doing fewer Eclectic News Briefs and more Ax Madge episodes. The reason is two-fold. A) It’s easier to write ax madge. and B) I get more feedback and positive reactions from Ax Madge. I may faze out ENB altogether. It is a ton of work and while it generates many many downloads […]

Categories: Me | 14 Comments

To say that I am unhappy with the service that I get from citibank/mastercard is an understatement. When I’m at home in the USA everything works fine. I can use the card, which by the way, represents *MY* money not Citibanks, to pay for whatever I want. However, when using my Citibank card while abroad. […]

Categories: Me, Politics | 2 Comments

I had to do this for a conference and thought I’d post it in case someone wants to encorporate it into my wikipedia bio. I don’t touch my wikipedia bio, nor did I write it in the first place, since people go off on you for that. Richard Bluestein is a podcaster primarily known for […]

Categories: Me | 2 Comments

Monday, April 9, 2007 Madge talks about taxes, the iran situation, neoconservatives, and fat people getting the heimlich manoever. Wed., April 11, 2007 Special Madge MashUp special for the sirius audience. Lots of strange music put together in strange but disturbing ways. Sat, April 14 2007 This is the audio of a […]

Categories: Me | 1 Comment

Monday YR551 Don’t Kill Yourself Madge Walks around the house babbling psychotically about topics ranging from depression to dieting. Also, madge makes yogurt to cure yeast during the program. Wednesday YR552: THE VAGINA IS OPEN AND WET SO IT’S TIME TO MOVE IT ON IN, HON2THENAY! Madge complains about the 2008 presidential election, […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on Sirius shows for Yeast Radio, week of 03.05.07

Monday, 03.05.07, yr546 SHOW LINK: BLOG LINK: SYNOPSIS: Madge catches up with her voice mails and hears from old friends including CHeryl Mercowsky, Sharon from Tampon, Roger Smalls, and a special ancient poem about another whore named Madge read by melissa Gira of Also, voice mail from Mrs. X and Special Delivery […]

Categories: Me, Tech | Comments Off on PodCamp NYC

I’m going to PodCamp NYC April 5-6 2007.

Categories: Me | Comments Off on sirius shows for week of monday feb 12:

week of monday feb 12: 2/12/07: YR528 Show Link: Blog Link: Madge does her stream of cunjuiceness and takes calls from Roger Smalls and Blay Horowitz, who tells Madge how can she can improve her depression by diverting her attention to her pussy lips. Also- some old bad comedy from the records. 02/14/07 […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on videoblogging : Message: Re: [videoblogging] Recommendations for lav mic and lights?

videoblogging : Message: Re: [videoblogging] Recommendations for lav mic and lights? Go to Home Depot or Target and look for halogen work lights. Get a set of two mounted on a tripod. It’ll cost something like $40 for the whole kit with 1000W total (two 500-W lights). The halogens are too stark to aim directly […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on SIRIUS SHOWS FOR WEEK OF 01/15/07

Shows are at 9:00PM Pacific Standard Time, the first half hour of hour 3 of Adam Curry’s Podshow on Sirius Stars Channel 102. Subscribe to Sirius! It’s great- I especially LOVE Playboy Radio, Richard Simmons and of course Howard Stern. Show for 01/15/07 (Monday) YR515 SHOW LINK: BLOG LINK: SYNOPSIS: Madge and Cheryl’s […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on IMPORTANT: London Times Reports that Israel has Secret Plans to Nuke Iran

ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-bustersâ€?, according to several Israeli military sources.The attack would be the first with nuclear weapons since 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on Pope Nazi II is Going Str8 To Hell! Good think he eliminated purgatory!

Pope Benedict XVI preached last week against legal recognition of same-sex couples. “This tacitly accredits those dismal theories that strip all relevance from the masculinity and femininity of the human being as though it were purely a biological issue,” he said. Reuters quoted the pontiff as saying, “Theories ‘according to which man should be able […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on SIRIUS SHOWS FOR WEEK OF 01/08/07

Shows are at 9:00PM Pacific Standard Time, the first half hour of hour 3 of Adam Curry’s Podshow on Sirius Stars Channel 102. Subscribe to Sirius! It’s great- I especially LOVE Playboy Radio, Richard Simmons and of course Howard Stern. NOTE: The Monday and Saturday shows from last week with Ryanne and Jay did not […]

Categories: Me, Politics, Tech, Uncategorized | Comments Off on OH, MISTER EGG MAN!

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Nottinghamshire | Eggs-perts rule on chicken riddle “I would argue it is a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it,” said Prof Papineau. “If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg,” he […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on Sirius Shows for week of 12.25.06

504 melturd, gay expat, rupert (sweet tea makes back hurt) SHOW LINK: BLOG LINK: SYNOPSIS:  Andy Melton answers the question we all want answered: Why does sweet tea make your back hurt. Also, ANdy complains about how much it sucks to weigh close to 400 lbs. Lots of fun banter as Madge harasses […]

Categories: Me | Comments Off on I take great pleasure in being underestimated.


Categories: Me | 2 Comments

This may be of interest to Madge fans: Scripting News: 10/4/2006 Of course has the backup for Trade Secrets that I was looking for. I’m going to download copies here. Even the feed for the site is missing lots of stuff. Thank heavens for (Postscript: The links to the MP3s are junk. […]