Blue Blog
Categories: Tech | 3 Comments

Not that Apple cares but I feel like it’s time to state the obvious again. So last year, you may recall a bit of a fiasco when ios6 was released due to the disastrous new Apple maps app. I’m afraid we may be about to experience something similar with IOS7’s imminent release. They say that […]

here are some notes I took while editing a scene for a client just to give you an idea… UPDATE: To be fair I need to tell you about one feature of FCPx that I love: the new video scopes are amazing and better than I have seen on any other NLE. fcp x no […]

Here’s another article about Apple censoring its precious APP store. This time it’s about the Playboy app which doesn’t allow the display of playmates because they are NUDE! My issue is this: Have you looked at the game section of the APP store lately? There are hundreds if not thousands of FPS (First Person Shooter) […]

Categories: apple, iphone, Politics, Tech | 2 Comments

This morning, I was reading a rumor about the possibility of a touch screen iMac. Whether or not this rumor is true, it emphasises a possibilty that I’ve been concerned about: What if Apple is slowly migrating the iPhone OS over to all of it’s Macintosh product line? I know you may be thinking that […]

Categories: Politics | Add a Comment

appledeaf Originally uploaded by YeastRadio version 3.03 now of apple’s compressor and it is still maddeningly unreliable. Apple is completely deaf to their customers sometimes. Maybe if Mr. Ive actualy used the software he would design a BEAUTIFUL code for Compressor

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on So now that the iPhone is finally starting to tank…

I wonder what Apple’s upcoming manufactured rumour of the next overhyped piece of junk will be. Perhaps an iStockticker? Someday, Jobs will learn the tremendous damage unhappy customers can cause.

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Rotten Apples

Apple’s hardware has become as bad as Microsoft’s software, if not worse.

Categories: Tech, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Retardation Defined


Categories: Politics | 5 Comments

American businesses need to stop doing business with China. How much longer do we have to wait for the world to realize that these atrocities are unprecidented and beyond comprehension? Can’t our iPods be made by people of a country that does not torture its citizens and kill them to steal their organs for fat […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Time Magazine Sucking off Steve Jobs

Is it just me or has Time become just one huge ad for Apple?


Who cares about your fucking iPhone?

Categories: Politics, Tech | 2 Comments

Please feel free to masturbate to my new sexy video newscast which includes plenty of gratuitous booby and bootie. You will love it and learn about the world as you wank the thing! 

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Hacker unlocks iTunes protection

BBC NEWS | Technology | Hacker unlocks iTunes protection Hacker unlocks iTunes protection A hacker claims to have circumvented the code that prevents music downloaded from Apple’s iTunes store being played on non-Apple digital players. Apple has not commented on claims Jon Lech Johansen has “reverse engineered” Apple’s copy-protection system. Tracks using the system cannot […]

Categories: Politics, Tech | Comments Off on Quick Question

What’s more important: The fact that tens or hundres of human beings died today in Iraq, Darfur, and Afghanistan today due to war that could have been prevented OR that Apple updated its MacBook Pros with new chips today?

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Somtimes, Dave Winer makes me smile.


Categories: Tech | 3 Comments


Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Good News for Final Cut Users

It looks like finally there will be decent color correction in Final Cut.

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on LOL- iPods may not cure AIDS, but they sure do contain viruses!

LOL ROFL ROML! Secret Notes – Small number of “Video iPods” infected with Windows virus Small number of “Video iPods” infected with Windows virus October 17, 2006 – According to a note on Apple’s support pages, a small number of fifth-generation iPods have shipped with the Windows virus RavMonE.exe. advertisement Apple says the iPods left […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Dead Nun(RED)CHINA

“Isn’t China just darling and hip? I know: let’s name and color our new ipod after the totalitarian communist state that manufacturs them!” -Steven P.”Pigtoe” Jobs

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

ANyone have the financial report on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS? I’m curious to know how much of the 5% of the price of the chic ipod actually goes to people with AIDS. Do you think maybe it would be better for people to give $200 to the an AIDS charitiy directly instead of […]

Categories: Politics | 5 Comments

So I look at the podcast page of the itunes mucus store today and I see that there’s a portion of the main page dedicated to politics- 3 portions Republicans, Democrats and political commentary. And guess what show wasn’t mentioned on the two pages of politicial commentary, Yeast Radio? WHAT? I have fucking had it […]