Blue Blog
What’s the real deal on the blood red ipod?
Categories: Politics

ANyone have the financial report on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS? I’m curious to know how much of the 5% of the price of the chic ipod actually goes to people with AIDS. Do you think maybe it would be better for people to give $200 to the an AIDS charitiy directly instead of buying some junk that will break in two years or less that is made by chinese slaves?

1 Comment to “What’s the real deal on the blood red ipod?”

  1. The Rotten Apple website says “…the iPod nano (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition and Apple will give $10 of its purchase price to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.” That sux, they could afford to give SO MUCH MORE! That company is so greedy!!?

    – Luke
    Melbourne, Australia