Blue Blog
Congress preparing to summon Prosecutor Fitzgerald to get details of the Plame affair.
Categories: Politics

Pelosi is the best. She the bomb! (not literally, that’s Bush). You know why she’ soo great? Because it’s not about power for her. She’s a grandmother first and foremost. She is happy at home and was raissed by parents who loved her. Not like how W. was thrown to nursemaids by a nasty old grouch of a thing.

Barbara Bush, nowadays:

“But so many of the people in the white house here, are over-privileged anyway. This is not working out very well for us.”

Jason Leopold | Congress Says Prepared to Act in Plame Affair:

Aides to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Congressman John Conyers, D-Mich., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said they were engaged in discussions Tuesday about the possibility of holding immediate hearings and subpoenaing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to provide details of his nearly four-year-old investigation, and the evidence he obtained regarding the role Vice President Dick Cheney and other White House officials played in the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson. The aides requested anonymity because they were not yet permitted to discuss Congress’s course of action in the matter publicly.

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