Blue Blog
Hans Blix says Iran’s nukes program is less advanced then Iraq’s was in 1991.
Categories: Politics

Informed Comment:

Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector, has spoken out against Bush administration negotiating tactics with Iran. He points out that Washington’s insistence that Iran capitulate to all Bush’s demands before negotiations even begin is “humiliating.” He also reveals that the Iranian civilian nuclear energy research program is much more primitive today than what Iraq had in 1991! And, in retrospect some analysts think Iraq’s program hadn’t actually had much success by then.

But the comment is misleading, because we don’t even know that Iran has a weapons research program. It hasn’t been proved, there isn’t any solid evidence, and the Supreme Jurisprudent has given a fatwa against having or using nuclear weapons as illicit in Islamic law. You can’t acknowledge that Iran is a dictatorial theocracy and then turn around and say that his fatwa is irrelevant.

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