Blue Blog
San Fran People: Get out and support Josh Wolf tomorrow! The Revolution Will Be Televised » Vigil and Press Conference Tommorrow
Categories: Politics

Josh Wolf is a fellow blogger and podcaster. He is also THE longest person ever jailed for being a journalist in American History. It is an outrage and a threat to all of our freedom. Please go this rally. Especially those of you who work at podshow. You can go there before work. Don’t think about it. Just do it. Thanks

The Revolution Will Be Televised » Vigil and Press Conference Tommorrow

Tomorrow, 3/8/2007, Josh’s case is slated for Magistrate Mediation. We will hold a vigil beginning at 8:00 AM in front of the San Francisco Federal Building in support of Josh. There will be a press conference scheduled for 2:00 PM.

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