Blue Blog
Categories: Uncategorized | Comments Off on Casey Sheehan Died on MLK Day too.

Jan 15, 2007 This is a reprint of a speech Cindy gave at the Riverside Church on the first anniversary of Casey’s death and the 38th anniversary of Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam: Building the Beloved Community” speech at the same church. In the Name of Love In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan Early morning, […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan reporting from Cuba

News from Havana In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan After a slightly hairy flight from Cancun, Mexico, to Havana, Cuba, Col. Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Adele Welty (Son, Timmy was a firefighter who was killed in the line of duty on 9/11—and she is a member of 9-11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows), Tiffany Burns […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan is Going to Guantanamo on an Historic Mission

Jan 6, 2007 On January 6, GoldStar Families for Peace Co-Founder Cindy Sheehan joins a 15-person delegation to Guantanamo. The delegation will include family members of detainees, former detainees, constitutional lawyers and US peace activists Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin,Co-Founders of CODEPINK and Colonel Ann Wright. Torture is immoral, ineffective and absolutely illegal under domestic […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan on trial – Americas – International Herald Tribune

Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan on trial – Americas – International Herald Tribune EW YORK: An employee of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, the sister of former U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry, testified Thursday that she canceled a meeting with a women’s group last March when she saw prominent anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and […]