Blue Blog
Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victimâ€?. Gustave Le Bon;â€?The Crowdâ€? Karl Rove is not Harry Houdini. He can’t change the fact that the Democrats could take […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » U.S. Naval Task Force to Iranian Waters in Preparation for War?

I just came across this guys blog and I find it interesting. He appears to be intellegent, well informed and an independant thinker. Please read the whole article linked below. Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » U.S. Naval Task Force to Iranian Waters in Preparation for War ? Remember that idiot […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on British Courts hide the memo that could well have contained the request by Bush to bomb Al Jazeera

Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | For their eyes only Two men are to be tried behind closed doors in an Old Bailey courtroom in a move that will stop the public finding out whether George Bush proposed what would have been a war crime and how Tony Blair reacted. The evidence the government […]