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Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Oil prices drop as Saudis refuse to cut production. Now why is that?

AMERICAblog: A blog for a great nation that deserves the truth Isn’t that convenient. Right before the elections the Saudis suddenly decide to help lower oil prices. Now why is that? Oh yeah, I remember: In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS, Woodward, a Washington Post editor, said that Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Coroner: U.S. killed British TV reporter – Yahoo! News

Coroner: U.S. killed British TV reporter – Yahoo! News A coroner ruled Friday that U.S. forces unlawfully killed a British television journalist in the opening days of the Iraq war. ADVERTISEMENT Deputy Coroner Andrew Walker said he would ask the attorney general to take steps to bring to justice those responsible for the death of […]