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Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Ignore the Anti-Pelosi Stuff. It’s a GOPiggie Trick


Categories: Politics | 4 Comments

OK, looking at the quote, it’s not as dramatic as Cindy presents it in her letter today. It sounds like Pelosi is definitely not ruling it out- but doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it that coudl cost teh democrats lots of votes. I don’t know. Democrats Won’t Try To Impeach President […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on READ THIS NOW: Important Words From Cindy Sheehan

Sit Down for Peace, Justice, and Accountability Cindy Sheehan I usually end my articles with a call to action, but today, I begin with one. Maybe readers get bored with my pieces before the end and don’t get to the action part, which is the most important part. Gold Star Families for Peace is calling […]