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Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Edinburgh Evening News – Edinburgh – Protests over China human organ harvest

Edinburgh Evening News – Edinburgh – Protests over China human organ harvest A PROTEST was set to take place today in support of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. Students from Edinburgh universities and the College of Art, Falun Gong practitioners and members of Amnesty International were all expected to gather outside the office of the […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan is Organizing a Sit-in on Election Day

We Want our Country Back and The Troops Home from Iraq Massive Sit-in, White House November 7th and 8th A message from Cindy Sheehan: Good comes from the bottom up—crap rolls down hill. I am tired of getting crapped on by our government—when will it be enough for you? We are covered with crap and […]