Blue Blog
Sometimes it’s appropriate to reply to SPAM
Categories: Politics

REALLY? Well You’re losing money cuz you’re not selling your WHORE HOLE! FUCK THIS TIGHT CUNT! OH YEAH WORK THE HOLE! PUSH THIS LAPSE! EAT IT OUT!!!!


On Oct 12, 2006, at 9:16 PM, S.G.E. wrote:

You’re losing money because you don’t have good search engine positioning — Plain and Simple.
We can put you in the best positions on the major search engines and keep you there as long as you want.
It won’t cost you a fortune and it won’t take any time.  We are veterans in this market and we can PROVE our results.
See for yourself.  Send us an email at  and tell us the site(s) you want placed and how we can contact you.
We will send you a free quote.

The Placement Gurus

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