Blue Blog
DBC Day 2 (reposted from Tumblr)
Categories: Politics

II:30 PM got home. Time only for a quick bowl of chili which thankfully my family left out for me followed by a bowl of froyo with peanut butter mixed in. Now in bed typing this, hoping to get 6 hours of sleep. Last night I slept about 4 hours and then woke up and couldn’t get to sleep again.

Much better today. The lectures/workshops were very helpful, expecially regarding Regexp and ennumeralble methods. We also had a lecture about feedback and DBC has amazing feedback and metafeedback built in to their intranet which is pretty amazing.

Did well with my pairing today. I felt like I worked slowly but more confidently than yesterday. Towards the end though, my brain shut down, and the descructive vs. non-destructive exercise was very hard. After asking several people to help and still unable to solve, I looked at a cohort’s solution and found the solution. If I were awake, I probably could have solved it hours prior.

They say you’re supposed to “time box” which is setting a time limit for each exercise but I find this hard to do in practice with a partner because everybody is kind of pushed to solve each problem before going to the next one. My method is that when I get stuck I go to another problem and then go back to the one I was stuck on.

Elliot the recruiter announced like I think 5 offers that went out to DBC grads and I think 4 of which were accepted. People are definitely getting jobs and the reputation of the school is excellent.

My biggest problem is that I don’t have time to shit in the moring before school and as a result, my stools have become quite impacted. I haven’t even shit once today.

Tomorrow is yoga… thank goodness. Riding my bike to work is great too.

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