Blue Blog
Videocaster.Org – My New Web Site
Categories: Me

A lot of people, most of whom are not geeks or vloggers or podcasters, tell me, “I don’t know what to watch” with respect to videoblogs.

So I made this. it’s just a simple list of episodes, NOT vlogs or feeds, that I liked and think others would like as well.

For me this is an alternative to all these top ten lists and most popular bullshit that I see everywhere which only serve to make fat people wearing sublime terrorist costumes more popular.

Please let me know what you think. Also, all of your suggestions are welcome for episodes to add to the list- but please send me permalinks to episodes and not feeds.

There’s a submit a link link on top.

If you think this is a shameless plug you are wrong. I am quite ashamed.


2 Comments to “Videocaster.Org – My New Web Site”

  1. Steve says:

    I’ve enjoyed quite a few of these so far, thanks!

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