Blue Blog
Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Don’t Say Her Name

A certain evil neoconservative pundit female has been running her mouth with homophobic slurs. Ziegfield knew in the late 1800’s how to get his performers famous: make the press write about them. That’s ALL she is doing… trying to get you to write about her. It is working. Don’t say her name. Technorati Tags: assholism, […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Edwards Drops the Gay Ball | CorrenteWire

Edwards Drops the Gay Ball | CorrenteWire Let’s just make it simple. John, here’s what you say: I support full and equal rights for all Americans, period. That includes the right to marry, regardless of orientation. That’s not hard. As Pam notes, “moral valuesâ€? handwringing and wishywashy “my daughter is for it before I was […]