Blue Blog
Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Reminder: Habeas Corpus is Still Dead

The Cincinnati Beacon Sometimes, bits of area graffiti have a “stickiness factor,â€? and their images or messages haunt me. I remember, for example, when I first saw the strange face that is the trademark of Obey Giant, which touts itself as an experiment in propaganda. Or one on a trash can near Wild Oats market, […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Our President is Blatantly Ignoring the Rule of Law

THis asshole president thinks he’s God, King, and in control of his own drinking. Print Page: TIME Magazine — Letting the President Say More than that, the measures adopted by Congress last week stripped defendants of the ancient habeas corpus right to challenge their detention in court–a step that makes it possible that the […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Is America Dead?

nathaniel and the non-aggressive » is america dead? (updated below) riday was, perhaps, the saddest day in American history. And it went mostly quickly and quietly, except for the “liberal” lefty blogger base. These crazy opponents to Bush’s new bill, which passed in the Senate 65-34, actually believe that Bush should not be able to […]