Blue Blog

America has never been about equality. It’s about inequality. Case in point: marriage equality. Case in point: healthcare. There are assholes in this world who don’t think that everyone should have equal access to healthcare as well as marriage. Whether it’s about race, gender, sexual preference, etc., it’s always about the same thing: bigotry. We […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on New York Times is Fibbing about Israel’s Withdrawl from Lebanon – Angry Arabوكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب Israel occupies (or “captures” in the language of the New York Times) yet another piece of Lebanese territory. All US media are reporting that Israel has withdrawn today from Lebanese territory. Not true, of course. Not only does Israel continues to occupy the “seven villages”, Shib`a farm, […]