Blue Blog
Categories: Politics, Tech | Comments Off on Business Week Cover Story: Most Chinese Suppliers Falsify Payroll Records to Cover Up Low Wages

Secrets, Lies, And Sweatshops A compliance manager for a major multinational company who has overseen many factory audits says that the percentage of Chinese suppliers caught submitting false payroll records has risen from 46% to 75% in the past four years. This manager, who requested anonymity, estimates that only 20% of Chinese suppliers comply with […]

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IMG_0593.JPG Originally uploaded by YeastRadio.

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The Daily SARS Code <

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Categories: Tech | 4 Comments

hipcast. I don’t know if it’s live or beta or open or what.

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No matter fucking what.

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Important Election Scam Information

More and more reports coming in of irate voters calling various House Democratic campaigns complaining about the repeat-call-back robocalls. In other words, these are the harassing calls paid for by the NRCC made to appear that they’re from the Democratic campaign. And a lot of angry voters are getting fooled by the scam, it seems. […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on The Washington Monthly

The Washington Monthly .Majid Khan, currently being held as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo Bay, is not being allowed to speak to his lawyer. Why? Because previously he was detained in one the CIA’s secret overseas prisons and “he may have come into possession of information, including…alternative interrogation techniques.” “May have come into possession.” Indeed […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

(from craigblog)Hey, theres’s a number of good efforts underway to help stop people from screwing with voting machines. Check out the following efforts: the Electronic Frontier Foundation The National Campaign for Fair Elections Video the Vote This is real serious, the bad guys are getting desperate… Posted by craig at October 31, 2006 02:16 PM

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Anyone who can get at the yellow button on the Sequoia voting machines can vote multiple times.

Black Box Voting : 10-31-06: Reports from the front lines — Citizens find critical security issue with Sequoia Anyone who can get at the yellow button can ruin the election. It takes no password, no computer knowledge, no equipment. The formula is printed in materials that have been distributed to thousands of people. The machines […]