Blue Blog
Pardon Me, Netflix, it’s the Post Office’s Fault
Categories: Politics

Dear Karen,

As I stated below, I have already attempted to resolve this at my local post office. That is why I cc’d the Postmaster General, The Honorable Jack Potter.
Perhaps Mr. Potter can resolve this since you are apparently incapable of such a daunting task.

Richard Bluestein

On Aug 7, 2008, at 9:16 PM, USPS Internet Customer Care Center wrote:

Dear USPS Customer,

Thank you for contacting USPS Internet Customer Care Center, which handles technical support for the USPS website. Unfortunately, I am unable to help you with this particular issue; however, please contact your local Post Office and they will be able to assist you further.

If you would like the contact information for your local Post Office, please visit and click on “Locate Post Offices”. You will be prompted to enter your address and/or zip code.

I apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Thanks Again,

USPS Internet Customer Care Center
As our customer, your privacy is important to us. Please see our privacy policy at

The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

TRACKING NUMBER: A000024296xxx08436447

—–Original Message—–

Sent: Thursday, Aug 7 2008 10:04 PM
To: icustomercare;
Subject: not receiving mail – attempt to resolve at local post office failed

Dear Customer Care,

My Name is Richard Bluestein
I live at
xxx N. xx Drive
Apt. xx
Chicago, IL 60613

About three weeks ago my mail mysteriously started forwarding to my
sister’s house, as if I had changed address to her home, which is
false. I have not moved. I still live at the xxx N. xxx Drive
The address where my mail was going to incorrectly was/is:
xxxx W xx
Chicago IL xxx

Now last week, ON Monday July 28, I went to the 60613 post office and
filled out the proper forms to reverse the incorrect change of address
order. Starting on Tuesday July 29, the mail stopped forwarding and
started going back to the correct (xxx) address.

However, mysteriously again this week, as of Yesterday August 6, 2008,
my mail is once again going to my sister’s house.

I don’t think it’s fair for me to have to go back to the post office
AGAIN to attempt to fix a problem which was supposed to have been
fixed last week. Could you please fix this problem permanently?

To summarize: Please let me receive my mail at the address which I
have lived, and continue to live at, for the past eight years: xxx N.
xxx Drive, Apt xxx, Chicago IL 60613. Please STOP FORWARDING my
mail to xxx W. xxx IL 60618.

Kind Regards,
Richard Bluestein

CC: The Honorable Jack Potter, United States Postmaster General.

1 Comment to “Pardon Me, Netflix, it’s the Post Office’s Fault”

  1. JustinFeed says:

    You left your address in the body of the post, first paragraph of your original email.

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