Blue Blog
Categories: Politics

I told my group project team I would be in at 11am today to work on flash cards. But I woke up at 11:15 and now I’m finally on my way to school at 1pm.

This shit is really fucking hard. I’m certain it will be worth it in the end but right now it’s really hard. I firmly believe that hard work always pays off based on my life experience.

Being middle aged and doing this makes it MUCH harder. While I feel I have accumulated much more street smarts and wisdom, being older means my mind doesn’t work as fasts as 20 somethings on adderal.

If anyone is perusing my blog in an effort to learn about Dev Bootcamp, feel free to comment on this post and ask questions.


2 Comments to “Late”

  1. Chris says:

    I’m really nervous about the adderal factor. I don’t want to be playing catch up all the time. What percent of students are in speed?

  2. Chris- I can’t answer that.

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