‘Just a Comma’ Becomes Part of Iraq Debate – washingtonpost.com As he heads out on the campaign trail, haunted by an unpopular war, President Bush has begun reassuring audiences that this traumatic period in Iraq will be seen as “just a comma” in the history books. By that, aides say, he means to reinforce his […]
Maybe there is some hope. No thanks to the left-wing bloggers who are obsessed with some old queen who can’t get his dick up anyway. Griper Blade: Bush’s only Legal Argument for the Detainee Bill; The Supreme Court Doesn’t Exist The Mark Foley scandal has been media wallpaper lately. I watched yesterday as Foley’s lawyer […]
World Can’t Wait | Drive Out the Bush Regime – Event Listings On October 5, people everywhere will walk out of school, take off work, and come to the downtowns & townsquares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to join us – making a powerful statement: “NO! […]
Thomas Paine’s Corner: America’s Collective Delusion Must Endure: Accomplishing a logic-defying feat, the wealthiest nation in the world has “attainedâ€? the highest rate of homelessness amongst developed countries. 3.5 million human beings experience homelessness each year in the United States. Almost a million are homeless every night (1). In the most heavily militarized nation in […]
Chico Town: The USA is a dictatorship, thank the Bush Crime Family – Urban Latino Life & Progressive Politics for the Hip Hop Generation HR 6166 and S 3930 will do the following: # revoke habeas corpus # create a secret committee appointed by Bush and Rumsfeld that has the power to declare any person […]
USNews.com: Opinion: Capital Commerce: : Fed may slash rates to save the economy That’s how a Wall Street economist described to me the attitudes of south Florida homebuilders to whom he recently gave a speech. The economist might have gotten a similar earful had he chatted with homebuilders in the Northeast or California. Same dreadful […]
Chavez is one of the very few people who give me hope for the world. THE NEWS BLOG MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Oct. 2 — The commander of United States military activities in Latin America said Monday that Venezuela under President Hugo Chávez had become a destabilizing force, and that other countries in the Western hemisphere shared […]
Chris Floyd | Fatal Vision: The Deeper Evil Behind the Detainee Bill All of this is bad enough – a sickening and cowardly surrender of liberty not seen in a major Western democracy since the Enabling Act passed by the German Reichstag in March 1933. But it is by no means the full extent of […]
Based on this administration’s past communications, this is practially an admission of guilt. She doesn’t remember being warned. What about saying “I was not warned.” By the way this is in response to John Woodward’s book in which George Tenet accuses Lice of blowing off a huge warning of an imminent al Qaeda attack. Rice […]
President, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are doing a horrifically bad job. They don’t know what they are doing. The people they report to know it. The congress knows it. The American people know it. They are ruining the world. This is quite clear. THEY MUST BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY! WHAT’S THE FUCKING PROBLEM?
Secret Reports Dispute White House Optimism On May 22, 2006, President Bush spoke in Chicago and gave a characteristically upbeat forecast: “Years from now, people will look back on the formation of a unity government in Iraq as a decisive moment in the story of liberty, a moment when freedom gained a firm foothold in […]
Antiterrorism Bill on Detainees, Geneva Conventions – Rushing Off a Cliff – New York Times Republicans say Congress must act right now to create procedures for charging and trying terrorists — because the men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks are available for trial. That’s pure propaganda. Those men could have been tried and convicted […]
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب Israel occupies (or “captures” in the language of the New York Times) yet another piece of Lebanese territory. All US media are reporting that Israel has withdrawn today from Lebanese territory. Not true, of course. Not only does Israel continues to occupy the “seven villages”, Shib`a farm, […]
THis asshole president thinks he’s God, King, and in control of his own drinking. TIME.com Print Page: TIME Magazine — Letting the President Say More than that, the measures adopted by Congress last week stripped defendants of the ancient habeas corpus right to challenge their detention in court–a step that makes it possible that the […]
Seems that most of the left-wing bloggers are obsessed with a stupid sex scandal instead of the fact that habeus corpus is over and bush is trying to get retroactive permission to be a war criminal. Instead of covering this, or say, THE IMPENDING FLOODS DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE, these small minded OCD folks are […]
Detainee Memo Created Divide in White House – New York Times In June 2005, two senior national security officials in the Bush administration came together to propose a sweeping new approach to the growing problems the United States was facing with the detention, interrogation and prosecution of terrorism suspects. In a nine-page memorandum, the two […]
USNews.com: Health: A flu shot could save your life If you have a history of heart disease, as more than 12 million U.S. adults do, roll up your sleeve and bare your arm, urges a new advisory from the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. Getting a flu shot not only protects against […]
USNews.com: Nation & World: What Supreme Court? Many Americans lack basic Supreme Court knowledge A sobering new survey of the public’s knowledge about its own government shows that fully one third of Americans are unable to name even one of the government’s three branches, and just over half believe that the president must follow Supreme […]
nathaniel and the non-aggressive » is america dead? (updated below) riday was, perhaps, the saddest day in American history. And it went mostly quickly and quietly, except for the “liberal” lefty blogger base. These crazy opponents to Bush’s new bill, which passed in the Senate 65-34, actually believe that Bush should not be able to […]
So remember WIPO… the entiy that wants to protect multibilliondollar broadcasters at the expense of independent ones? Well now they’re after our food supply as well! Better keep watching TV. Intellectual Property Watch » Questions Raised Over Proposed WIPO Secretariat Deals With FAO, IDB The World Intellectual Property Organization has negotiated cooperation agreements with the […]
Independent Online Edition > Americas To the applause of fellow passengers, the Jewish designer was escorted from a New York flight as a potential bomber. Because, he tells Sophie Goodchild, of his holiday tan
Why is it so hard to understand that this stupid bill does nothing to deter terror or apprehend terrorists. By torturing people, it drastically reduces the accuracy of terrorist interrogation. By removing habeus corpus, it makes the terrorist’s job MUCh easer because we are doing half of his job for him… destroying our society. Notice […]
Things get viral when they are emotional. That’s why we need to see more war photos with mangled civilians.