I think today’s seniors are the last generation who will be able to retire. In American we barely have healthcare, have no mandatory vacation, and soon we won’t be able to retire. This is freedom.
A clinton/obama ticket would alienate the enormous percentage of americans who are anti-war. I would be a sure fire way to loose the election. Of course, they will blame it on the green party. When are democrats going to learn to court the far left in the same way the republicans court the far right?
I feel that those who in the 90’s defended Clinton for getting persecuted for lying about a blow job and now are out to get Foley are hippocrites. And no I can’t spell. I happen to have been one of those who defended Clinton BUT I also feel the same way about Foley. We mustn’t […]
USNews.com: Nation & World: What Supreme Court? Many Americans lack basic Supreme Court knowledge A sobering new survey of the public’s knowledge about its own government shows that fully one third of Americans are unable to name even one of the government’s three branches, and just over half believe that the president must follow Supreme […]