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Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Bill Gates not so Great

Apparently, Bill and Lindey invest more in companies that are causing human extintion than they do help african healthcare. The Gates Foundation has poured $218 million into polio and measles immunization and research worldwide, including in the Niger Delta. At the same time that the foundation is funding inoculations to protect health, The Times found, […]

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Bush Screening Science

“The Bush administration is clamping down on scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey,the latest agency subjected to controls on research that might go against official policy.New rules require screening of all facts and interpretations by agency scientists who study everything from caribou mating to global warming. The rules apply to all scientific papers and other […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Holocaust Deniers including ex-KKK’er David Duke Descend on Tehran for a Meeting of the ‘Minds’

Well, this is a sure-fire way to get Europe to hat your country too: My question is why? Iran is obviously provoking the allies. Why? The foreign ministry had said that 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries were scheduled to take part. Among those speaking today are David Duke, the American white-supremacist politician and former […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on duh

Six of 1,000 speak Arabic fluently at U.S. embassy in Iraq After more than three years in their country, the U.S. military still can’t understand Iraqis. The Iraq Study Group said the lack of Arabic speakers has hurt U.S. intelligence collection and analysis. The bipartisan panel said the U.S. military and government rely too much […]