A lot of people, most of whom are not geeks or vloggers or podcasters, tell me, “I don’t know what to watch” with respect to videoblogs. So I made this. it’s just a simple list of episodes, NOT vlogs or feeds, that I liked and think others would like as well. For me this is […]
So I’ve been doing fewer Eclectic News Briefs and more Ax Madge episodes. The reason is two-fold. A) It’s easier to write ax madge. and B) I get more feedback and positive reactions from Ax Madge. I may faze out ENB altogether. It is a ton of work and while it generates many many downloads […]
Court Rules for Wal-Mart in Maryland Suit – New York Times A federal appeals court ruled today that Maryland violated federal law when it required Wal-Mart Stores to increase spending on employee health insurance, in a decision that appears likely to end a bitter yearlong legal battle that pitted state legislators, organized labor and health […]
http://www.peaceteam.net/no_escalation.php It’s very simple. Go there. It’s not a surge. It’s murder.
Please feel free to masturbate to my new sexy video newscast which includes plenty of gratuitous booby and bootie. You will love it and learn about the world as you wank the thing! http://eclecticnewsbrief.comÂ
Sit Down for Peace, Justice, and Accountability Cindy Sheehan I usually end my articles with a call to action, but today, I begin with one. Maybe readers get bored with my pieces before the end and don’t get to the action part, which is the most important part. Gold Star Families for Peace is calling […]
Podcasting was invented by Adam Curry and Dave Winer. Leo Lapork had nothing to do with it. Note, however, that someone else came up with the name podcasting. Winer and Curry did not coin that term.