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Categories: Politics | Add a Comment

Trotsky and I went to the Itialian Greyhound meetup in Chicago today Originally uploaded by YeastRadio

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

Organs to be taken without consent – Telegraph Organs to be taken without consent By Patrick Hennessy and Laura Donnelly Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 13/01/2008 Gordon Brown has thrown his weight behind a move to allow hospitals to take organs from dead patients without explicit consent. # Bishop speaks out against Brown’s organ donation plan […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

I’m trying to put some closure (well not really closure- can’t think of a better word) on this topic because the debate among friends and acquaintances has gotten heated. I respect anyone who does his/her best to vote for the right person. My friends are pretty much split down the middle with respect to Hillary/Obama. […]

This “Message to LGBT Americans” has been floating around for a few days. I think this document is great for reassuring Clinton’s constituents that they are voting for the right candidate, but it does nothing to change my loyalties, which admittedly can (and have) change(d) with the wind. Do you see the word ‘marriage’ anywhere […]