Blue Blog
Categories: green | 19 Comments

OK So I admit being an overly sensitive self-involved nut job but I choose this moment to elaborate. I had a ‘skype call-in show’ today and nobody called. To be perfectly frank, it hurt my feelings. Before I go further, let me disclose a few things: 1) I shouldn’t be writing this because it is […]

Categories: green | 3 Comments

The greenest consumer doesn’t consume at all.

Categories: green | Comments Off on YAY! We made assholes of the year

Video Bloggers: As if reading blog after boring blog of people going on about how depressed they are or how so-and-so snubbed them in the lunchroom wasn’t bad enough, the sudden rise in popularity of sites like Youtube have now given rise to a new era; that of the video blog.At least with blogging, the […]

Categories: green | Comments Off on Excuse me but how the fuck can we afford this?

The White House has approved a $468.9 billion budget for the Pentagon in fiscal year 2008, a six-percent increase over last year’s request, according to a Defense Department document obtained by Reuters.It is also asking the Pentagon to cover some Army and Marine Corps war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of the regular […]