Blue Blog
Categories: Politics | Comments Off on More Climate Change Warnings- All Ice could be gone by 2040. That means no more Netherlands; no more Manhatten; no more Miami. Hello? Nintendo Wii?

A team of scientists from the United States and Canada has found new evidence about the rapid melting of ice in the Arctic.Data presented at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union suggests all year-round ice could disappear by the year 2040.The scientists also believe recent research shows a tipping point which would trigger a […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Holocaust Deniers including ex-KKK’er David Duke Descend on Tehran for a Meeting of the ‘Minds’

Well, this is a sure-fire way to get Europe to hat your country too: My question is why? Iran is obviously provoking the allies. Why? The foreign ministry had said that 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries were scheduled to take part. Among those speaking today are David Duke, the American white-supremacist politician and former […]

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Six of 1,000 speak Arabic fluently at U.S. embassy in Iraq After more than three years in their country, the U.S. military still can’t understand Iraqis. The Iraq Study Group said the lack of Arabic speakers has hurt U.S. intelligence collection and analysis. The bipartisan panel said the U.S. military and government rely too much […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan on trial – Americas – International Herald Tribune

Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan on trial – Americas – International Herald Tribune EW YORK: An employee of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, the sister of former U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry, testified Thursday that she canceled a meeting with a women’s group last March when she saw prominent anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and […]

Categories: Politics | 3 Comments

Disinformation :: Fight the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) (S.3880) defines as “terrorism” causing any business classified as an “animal enterprise” (e.g., factory farms, fur farms, vivisection labs, rodeos, zoos and circuses) to suffer a profit loss and is punishable by a long prison sentence — even if the company’s […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on 1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks

1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks The Central Intelligence Agency drugged American citizens without their knowledge or consent. It used university facilities and personnel without their knowledge. It funded leading researchers, often without their knowledge.

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Deadly Secrets: A Compendium of Obscure Conspiracy Theories

Deadly Secrets: A Compendium of Obscure Conspiracy Theories * If we are on the outside, we assume a conspiracy is the perfect working of a scheme. Silent nameless men with unadorned hearts. A conspiracy is everything that ordinary life is not. It’s the inside game, cold, sure, undistracted, forever closed off to us. We are […]

Categories: Politics, Tech | Comments Off on Business Week Cover Story: Most Chinese Suppliers Falsify Payroll Records to Cover Up Low Wages

Secrets, Lies, And Sweatshops A compliance manager for a major multinational company who has overseen many factory audits says that the percentage of Chinese suppliers caught submitting false payroll records has risen from 46% to 75% in the past four years. This manager, who requested anonymity, estimates that only 20% of Chinese suppliers comply with […]

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

IMG_0593.JPG Originally uploaded by YeastRadio.

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments
Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Important Election Scam Information

More and more reports coming in of irate voters calling various House Democratic campaigns complaining about the repeat-call-back robocalls. In other words, these are the harassing calls paid for by the NRCC made to appear that they’re from the Democratic campaign. And a lot of angry voters are getting fooled by the scam, it seems. […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on The Washington Monthly

The Washington Monthly .Majid Khan, currently being held as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo Bay, is not being allowed to speak to his lawyer. Why? Because previously he was detained in one the CIA’s secret overseas prisons and “he may have come into possession of information, including…alternative interrogation techniques.” “May have come into possession.” Indeed […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

(from craigblog)Hey, theres’s a number of good efforts underway to help stop people from screwing with voting machines. Check out the following efforts: the Electronic Frontier Foundation The National Campaign for Fair Elections Video the Vote This is real serious, the bad guys are getting desperate… Posted by craig at October 31, 2006 02:16 PM

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Anyone who can get at the yellow button on the Sequoia voting machines can vote multiple times.

Black Box Voting : 10-31-06: Reports from the front lines — Citizens find critical security issue with Sequoia Anyone who can get at the yellow button can ruin the election. It takes no password, no computer knowledge, no equipment. The formula is printed in materials that have been distributed to thousands of people. The machines […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on ABC Radio Networks List of Comanies You Shouldn’t Support with Your Money!
Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

Thank you Jason Flatowicz for the transcript. The full recording of the interview can be found here. TRANSCRIPT: Cindy Sheehan Interview by Richard Bluestein 10.29.06 Cindy Sheehan: Hello? Richard Bluestein: Cindy? CS: Yes? RB: Hi, can you hear me ok, it’s Richard. CS: Yes I can hear you. RB: Ok, good. So basically it’s a […]

Categories: Politics | 6 Comments

Slashdot | Bush Signs Bill Enabling Martial Law An anonymous reader writes to point us to an article on the meaning of a new law that President Bush signed on Oct. 17. It seems to allow the President to impose martial law on any state or territory, using federal troops and/or the state’s own, or […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Home price drop is largest in 35 years – Yahoo! News

Home price drop is largest in 35 years – Yahoo! News The Commerce Department reported that the median price for a new home sold in September was $217,100, a drop of 9.7 percent from September 2005. It was the lowest median price for a new home since September 2004 and the sharpest year-over-year decline since […]

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victimâ€?. Gustave Le Bon;â€?The Crowdâ€? Karl Rove is not Harry Houdini. He can’t change the fact that the Democrats could take […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Bush’s Useful Idiots

Here’s an interesting article about how liberalism died.

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on eeh…

Blay HO!

Categories: Politics, Tech | 2 Comments

Please feel free to masturbate to my new sexy video newscast which includes plenty of gratuitous booby and bootie. You will love it and learn about the world as you wank the thing! 

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on U.S. generals call for Democratic takeover | Salon News

U.S. generals call for Democratic takeover | Salon News “The best thing that can happen right now is for one or both of our houses to go Democratic so we can have some oversight,” Batiste, who led the Army’s 1st Infantry Division in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, told Salon. Batiste describes himself as a […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on 35,000 in Secret Prisons | CorrenteWire

35,000 in Secret Prisons | CorrenteWire I’m at the Center for American Progress, listening to Sid Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald talk about the Imperial Presidency, and one thing is important enough for me to want to live blog. Sid says that Wilkerson, Powell’s old chief of staff, believes that the correct number of victims in […]