Here we go again. Americans are fucking morons. Prove me wrong. Informed Comment NYT Falls for Bogus Iran Weapons Charges Completely Implausible Numbers are Thrown Around Repeat of Judy Miller Scandal This NYT article depends on unnamed USG sources who alleged that 25 percent of US military deaths and woundings in Iraq in October-December of […]
At Peace Rally, Fonda Reprises A Famous Role – For her next act, Jane Fonda has entered the war against the Iraq war. At the tail-end of yesterday’s on-the-Mall rally, organized by United for Peace and Justice, Fonda stood onstage with the Capitol behind her and addressed the sun-drenched thousands. “I haven’t spoken at […]
I’m sad that google video is going away and instead will become a search engine. Google Video had much better video quality and you could download the video. Plus, Google Video never banned my account due to homophobia like YouTube did. DEATH TO YOUTUBE! THEY UNFAIRLY CENSOR GAYS!Â
People’s Daily Online — Cheney deeply involved in CIA leak case: prosecutor U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was deeply involved in the leak of a former CIA agent’s identity in the summer of 2003, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Tuesday. In his opening statement in the CIA leak trial, Fitzgerald said Cheney told his chief […]
Shows for week of 01/29/07 Monday, 01/29/07Â Â Â YR523 Show Link: Â Â Â Blog Link: Â Â Â Synopsis:Â Dieting with Shishaldin. Shishaldin and Madge obsess over their new diets. Madge and Shishie also announce their new combined fight against Vaginal Yeast. Wednesday 01/31/07Â YR524 Show Link:Â blog Link: Synopsis: Chat with CHeryl Merkowski about […]
Prophetic News Headlines » Blog Archive » Military analyst believes Israel preparing to strike Iran Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Buzz Patterson, who once carried the nuclear codes for former President Bill Clinton, believes the Israelis are serious about wanting to prevent Iranian strong man Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from developing a nuclear weapon capable of […]
Liz Lerman in Chicago HUMANISM IN THE AGE OF “ENHANCEMENT”: A CRITICAL RESPONSE TO BODY WORLDS A Community Forum Hosted by IIT’s Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future January 24, 2007 5:30 p.m. Chicago-Kent College of Law Auditorium 565 W. Adams Street Chicago, IL The Body Worlds exhibitions, hailed by some as a towering […]
Court Rules for Wal-Mart in Maryland Suit – New York Times A federal appeals court ruled today that Maryland violated federal law when it required Wal-Mart Stores to increase spending on employee health insurance, in a decision that appears likely to end a bitter yearlong legal battle that pitted state legislators, organized labor and health […]
The Washington Monthly LEHRER: Let me ask you a bottom-line question, Mr. President. If it is as important as you’ve just said — and you’ve said it many times — as all of this is, particularly the struggle in Iraq, if it’s that important to all of us and to the future of our country, […]
Prairie Weather: Condi’s mission: Iran attack is on According to Andrea Mitchell who spoke today with intelligence officials and has just revealed this in discussion, Iran is the official target and that’s why Condi is flying east today — to alert the Saudis and others. Update: Apparently Stratfor confirms that “this latest gambit is also […]
The “surgeâ€? content consists of nonsensical propagandistic statements. The real content of the speech is toward the end where Bush mentions Iran and Syria.Bush makes it clear that success in Iraq does not depend on the surge. Rather, “Succeeding in Iraq . . . begins with addressing Iran and Syria.â€?Bush asserts that “these two regimes […]
Random News From Iran: Bush Speech Hints at Possibility of War with Iran (NPR) “Ted Koppel, NPR senior news analyst, says he thinks the United States is actively preparing for the possibility of war with Iran. A top military officer told him as much, but it did not sink in until he heard President Bush’s […]
News from Havana In Search of Peace with Cindy Sheehan After a slightly hairy flight from Cancun, Mexico, to Havana, Cuba, Col. Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Adele Welty (Son, Timmy was a firefighter who was killed in the line of duty on 9/11—and she is a member of 9-11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows), Tiffany Burns […] It’s very simple. Go there. It’s not a surge. It’s murder.
Ever seen a 500lb fatty operate a pneumatic drill or sit astride a washing machine? Me neither, but if we had I’m sure we’d see all their beautiful fat wobble, ripple and jiggle just like in the images linked and Mighty Morphin’ Pannus Rangers
American businesses need to stop doing business with China. How much longer do we have to wait for the world to realize that these atrocities are unprecidented and beyond comprehension? Can’t our iPods be made by people of a country that does not torture its citizens and kill them to steal their organs for fat […]
Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group …Ms. Fu’s body showed no signs of decay. Her head had been shaved; both eyeballs were missing and the flesh around the sockets had ulcerated. There were two black holes on the nose. The upper body was bare, her underwear was wrapped around her head and her trousers were […]
Jan 6, 2007 On January 6, GoldStar Families for Peace Co-Founder Cindy Sheehan joins a 15-person delegation to Guantanamo. The delegation will include family members of detainees, former detainees, constitutional lawyers and US peace activists Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin,Co-Founders of CODEPINK and Colonel Ann Wright. Torture is immoral, ineffective and absolutely illegal under domestic […]
Apparently, Bill and Lindey invest more in companies that are causing human extintion than they do help african healthcare. The Gates Foundation has poured $218 million into polio and measles immunization and research worldwide, including in the Niger Delta. At the same time that the foundation is funding inoculations to protect health, The Times found, […]
This is disgusting. At least France is consistent- they respect Cuba, another Communist government. We in America say Cuba bad, China good. They own us more and more, when will people finally get it? When homless people get their organs removed for rich obese people? Of course it will have been rationalized by then. Here […]
This is the most sensible approach I’ve read to cleaning up the huge mess in the middle east in recent memory: Solving Iraq, if it can be solved, now means getting real about and engaging in a broad range of Middle East dealmaking between internal groups inside Iraq as well as among its neighbors.It means […]
I really like this blog CorrentWIre (link at the bottom). We need to make sure the press reports this: Now that Bush, over Christmas, has used signing statements to grab the power to open our personal mail, what are Pelosi and Reid going to do about it?As usual, Froomkin gets it: Most of the questions […]
Exxon shhould be forced to pay for the entire Katrina Disaster and for eevery other global warming-worssend natural catastrophe. Like Max of Karmabanque often says, this is corporate geenocide: ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind […]
For about a month, Bush administration officials have maintained the fiction that the president had not come to any conclusions about whether to send thousands of additional troops to Iraq, and that while a change in policy was in the works, Bush hasn’t decided what that change would be. The claims always seemed far-fetched — […]