Upset as I am about the fading hopes for health care legislation, I think it’s important to focus blame where it belongs the most: On the CEO’s of the evil health care insurance companies who would rather see tens of thousands of people die rather than to sacrifice any money from the bottom line. Blame […]
Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Cindy Sheehan is Going to Guantanamo on an Historic Mission
Jan 6, 2007 On January 6, GoldStar Families for Peace Co-Founder Cindy Sheehan joins a 15-person delegation to Guantanamo. The delegation will include family members of detainees, former detainees, constitutional lawyers and US peace activists Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin,Co-Founders of CODEPINK and Colonel Ann Wright. Torture is immoral, ineffective and absolutely illegal under domestic […]
Categories: Politics | 2 Comments
I feel that those who in the 90’s defended Clinton for getting persecuted for lying about a blow job and now are out to get Foley are hippocrites. And no I can’t spell. I happen to have been one of those who defended Clinton BUT I also feel the same way about Foley. We mustn’t […]