Blue Blog

Upset as I am about the fading hopes for health care legislation, I think it’s important to focus blame where it belongs the most: On the CEO’s of the evil health care insurance companies who would rather see tens of thousands of people die rather than to sacrifice any money from the bottom line. Blame […]

Max Keiser, in this video, interviews economist Ravi Batra who explains how deceptive the productivity rate is and how it actually harms the economy when salaries don’t rise accordingly. This is a VERY interesting interview and it starts at around ten minutes into this clip:

Categories: Tech | Comments Off on Rotten Apples

Apple’s hardware has become as bad as Microsoft’s software, if not worse.

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

I feel that those who in the 90’s defended Clinton for getting persecuted for lying about a blow job and now are out to get Foley are hippocrites. And no I can’t spell. I happen to have been one of those who defended Clinton BUT I also feel the same way about Foley. We mustn’t […]