Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » Israel Tests New Highly Lethal, Cancer-Causing Tungsten Bomb in Gaza Forget about Israel being a “light unto the nations” as the seminal early Zionist thinker Ahad HaAm used to say. Think more like Nazi Germany and the Spanish Civil War. Besides an ideological affinity between […]
I just came across this guys blog and I find it interesting. He appears to be intellegent, well informed and an independant thinker. Please read the whole article linked below. Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » U.S. Naval Task Force to Iranian Waters in Preparation for War ? Remember that idiot […]
Police blotter: Prosecutors want reporters’ hard drives | CNET News.com What: Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett demands reporters’ entire hard drives. When: Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules on Oct. 6. Outcome: Court denies attorney general’s request, saying it would be too invasive and create a chilling effect for journalists. What happened, according to court documents: Investigators […]
AMERICAblog: A blog for a great nation that deserves the truth Isn’t that convenient. Right before the elections the Saudis suddenly decide to help lower oil prices. Now why is that? Oh yeah, I remember: In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS, Woodward, a Washington Post editor, said that Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the […]
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | For their eyes only Two men are to be tried behind closed doors in an Old Bailey courtroom in a move that will stop the public finding out whether George Bush proposed what would have been a war crime and how Tony Blair reacted. The evidence the government […]
The Assassins of Truth Oct 13, 2006 By Charles Sullivan It is evident to me that the United States government believes that any individual or group of people that works to prevent it from implementing its agenda are terrorists. Furthermore, I contend that the government’s plan is not the people’s agenda; but some of us […]
Jim Downey’s Rants & Raves On Just About Everything: Issues About Iraq, Detention, Rendition & Justice We Need To Attend To “It’s a sweeping denial of habeas, so that any alien who is detained by the U.S. can be detained forever without any hope of ever getting to a court. That’s just wrong,” said Neal […]
Apple (DOUCHE) PRODUCT FalunGong BLOODtm hiup cool fuck you
Read the entire memo linked below. It’s disgusting. THis minutemen group is far too powerful. Theyr’re basically a group of volunteer Republican volunteer thugs who get to do whatever the hell they want with respect to law enforcement. Oct. 12 Statement by University President Lee Bollinger – News The investigation into the disruption continues. This […]
ANyone have the financial report on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS? I’m curious to know how much of the 5% of the price of the chic ipod actually goes to people with AIDS. Do you think maybe it would be better for people to give $200 to the an AIDS charitiy directly instead of […]
OK. So Apple gives 10 bucks out of 200 from a crummy blood red ipod that’s made from the slaves of these assholes. Is this really a country we should be doing business with? Oh and in case you don’t know how the legal system in China works, there is a 99% chance this guy […]
Coroner: U.S. killed British TV reporter – Yahoo! News A coroner ruled Friday that U.S. forces unlawfully killed a British television journalist in the opening days of the Iraq war. ADVERTISEMENT Deputy Coroner Andrew Walker said he would ask the attorney general to take steps to bring to justice those responsible for the death of […]
REALLY? Well You’re losing money cuz you’re not selling your WHORE HOLE! FUCK THIS TIGHT CUNT! OH YEAH WORK THE HOLE! PUSH THIS LAPSE! EAT IT OUT!!!! YEASTRADIO.COM On Oct 12, 2006, at 9:16 PM, S.G.E. wrote: BloatedLesbian@gmail.com You’re losing money because you don’t have good search engine positioning — Plain and Simple. We can […]
US General: Strikes on Iran possible by 2007 – News from Israel, Ynetnews US Air Force General reveals details of possible US aerial offensive against Iran should diplomacy fail to solve dispute over Tehran’s nuclear ambition; says ‘doing it alone’ is not an option for Israel Yitzhak Benhorin Published: 10.12.06, 14:27 WASHINGTON – Is it […]
God. They must be joking.
The Daily Politics Despite her apparent opposition to torture, Hillary Clinton said in a Daily News editorial board meeting yesterday that the practice is acceptable in some circumstances. Clinton got a rousing reception from the human rights community, and seemed to take an uncharacteristically bright-line stance, in a recent statement on the Senate floor during […]
So I look at the podcast page of the itunes mucus store today and I see that there’s a portion of the main page dedicated to politics- 3 portions Republicans, Democrats and political commentary. And guess what show wasn’t mentioned on the two pages of politicial commentary, Yeast Radio? WHAT? I have fucking had it […]
Quote Details: George Carlin: I think it’s the… – The Quotations Page I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
This is really great news. It will be very interesting to see if it brings down the teen suicide rate as well. The religious right are fighting a loosing battle. I think if we can get through the next decade or two of idiocy we just may end up with the age of secular humanism. […]
“A man mourns his son Friday in Baqubah, a city north of Baghdad. The child died in random gunfire near a family home in the village of Khan Bani Saad.” posted by As’ad @ 6:47 AM link Comments (100)
Lost Wars and a Lost Economy President Bush and his neocon nazis have simultaneously lost two wars and America’s economic future. Last Friday’s payroll jobs report was a continuation of Bush’s dismal record. Only 59,000 net new private sector jobs were created during September. That is about 90,000 less than would be needed to stay […]
Can someone please let me know if all of my podcasts’ media aris back up and available? Thank you!
The Cincinnati Beacon Sometimes, bits of area graffiti have a “stickiness factor,â€? and their images or messages haunt me. I remember, for example, when I first saw the strange face that is the trademark of Obey Giant, which touts itself as an experiment in propaganda. Or one on a trash can near Wild Oats market, […]