Lost Wars and a Lost Economy President Bush and his neocon nazis have simultaneously lost two wars and America’s economic future. Last Friday’s payroll jobs report was a continuation of Bush’s dismal record. Only 59,000 net new private sector jobs were created during September. That is about 90,000 less than would be needed to stay […]
Can someone please let me know if all of my podcasts’ media aris back up and available? Thank you!
The Cincinnati Beacon Sometimes, bits of area graffiti have a “stickiness factor,â€? and their images or messages haunt me. I remember, for example, when I first saw the strange face that is the trademark of Obey Giant, which touts itself as an experiment in propaganda. Or one on a trash can near Wild Oats market, […]
I feel that those who in the 90’s defended Clinton for getting persecuted for lying about a blow job and now are out to get Foley are hippocrites. And no I can’t spell. I happen to have been one of those who defended Clinton BUT I also feel the same way about Foley. We mustn’t […]
Howard Stern predicted this is exactly what would happen. He is a smart man.
Informed Comment Every day about 100 people become victims of murder and torture in Iraq. During the time of the Saddam dictatorship the use of force was at least predictable, according to the UN Special Rapporteur for Torture, Manfred Nowak, speaking in an interview with tagessschau.de. Today it can strike anyone. There are no effective […]
AMERICAblog: A blog for a great nation that deserves the truth The President is mad, really, really mad according to the NY Daily News. He and Laura thought things were going well after they exploited “September the 11th” again. Now, between the Foley Republican child sex predator scandal and the Woodward book “State of Denial,” […]
I think it’s very important for it to be very very clear that Israel does not represent Jews and Jews do not represent Israel. Period. I strongly disagree with Israels aggressive techniques of ‘resolving’ conflict which actually makes the situation much worse. Many other Jews feel this way such as Amy Goodman of democracy now, […]
Oh gee. So the new army campgaign, “Army Strong” is bout “the transformative power of the army.” Yeah it transform you from alive to dead; from sane to crazy: Army unveils new advertising campaign The Army Strong campaign will build on the foundation of previous recruiting campaigns by highlighting the transformative power of the Army. […]
All of my podcast sites have problems today because the podshow domain was allowed to expire. This is per adam curry’s weblog and I have no further info. I expect them to be up in a few hours and I expect this message to disappear. UPDATE: Yeastradio is back up but Insanefilms is not.
WHM: Great Speech: Why Not Let Them Hate Us, as long as They Fear Us? Everybody shoud read this speech and have their friends read it as well… Americans and the rest of the world.
We Want our Country Back and The Troops Home from Iraq Massive Sit-in, White House November 7th and 8th A message from Cindy Sheehan: Good comes from the bottom up—crap rolls down hill. I am tired of getting crapped on by our government—when will it be enough for you? We are covered with crap and […]
America ponders cutting Iraq in three – Sunday Times – Times Online AN independent commission set up by Congress with the approval of President George W Bush may recommend carving up Iraq into three highly autonomous regions, according to well informed sources. The Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by James Baker, the former US secretary of […]
Please read the source. I have taken this way out of context. TIME.com Print Page: World — The Secret Letter From Iraq Highest Unit Re-enlistment Rate — Any outfit that has been in Iraq recently. All the danger, all the hardship, all the time away from home, all the horror, all the frustrations with the […]
source None of the men and women who voted for this bill has any right to speak in public about the rule of law anymore, or to take a high moral view of the Third Reich, or to wax poetic about the American Ideal. Mark their names. Any institution of higher learning that grants honorary […]
The Washington Monthly Remember the 700-mile fence along the Mexican border that Congress approved a couple of weeks ago? There are two parts to it: an appropriations bill that authorizes spending $1.2 billion on the project, and the Secure Fence Act, which requires the money to actually be spent on a fence. Mickey Kaus notes […]
WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT FOLEY? LOOK AT THIS: Thaier Aziz cries over the bodies of his 6 year old niece and the girl’s mother Rahima Kadim, covered by blanket on the left, in Baqouba hospital, 60 kilometers (35 miles) northeast of Baghdad, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2006. Drive-by shooters opened fire Sunday on a minibus carrying […]
OK, folks, I think it’s time to realize that this is maybe just a little bit more serious then some senator sending dirty text messages to his pages. China is killing people for their organs. I’ve been reading a lot about this stuff and there’s tons more evidence. I will do a follow up report […]
Christian Today – Christian News > Shots Fired Between North & South Korea as Tensions Mount over Nuclear Weapons Test South Korean troops have fired warning shots at soldiers from the North as tensions continue to rise over reports that the North plans to test a nuclear weapon.
Outspoken Putin critic shot dead in Moscow | Top News | Reuters.com Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead on Saturday at her apartment block in central Moscow, police said. “According to initial information she was killed by two shots when leaving the lift. Neighbors found her body,” […]
Today in Iraq An Iraqi security guard broke down in tears while telling a court martial how he was allegedly beaten by UK soldiers. Juwad Fayez said he was punched and kicked repeatedly for failing to stand with knees bent and arms outstretched. Cpl Donald Payne has already admitted the war crime of inhumanely treating […]
Los Angeles Times Forces Out Publisher Jeffrey Johnson / Jossip After standing his ground against the Tribune Company’s attempt to cut staff members at the Los Angeles Times, publisher Jeffrey M. Johnson was forced out of the newspaper during a meeting this morning. Tribune Publishing President Scott C. Smith was huddling with top managers at […]