Why Can’t We Talk about Peace in Public? « The Moderate Observer: America’s growing economic dependence on the hi-tech defense industry is creating a culture that views peace and nonviolence as seditious concepts.“The fellas from 121 started showing up the other day. It’s starting to sink in… I’ll have to go home, the opportunities to […]
China’s will boost defense spending by 17.8 percent in 2007, accelerating the emerging power’s string of annual double-digit rises in money for a modern military that reflects its economic strength. Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the National People’s Congress, said on Sunday that the planned budget for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) this year was 350.92 […]
The Food and Drug Administration may be poised to approve a controversial antibiotic for cattle despite fears it could hurt human health, The Washington Post reported in Sunday’s edition. The drug, called cefquinome, is a fourth-generation cephalosporin, a class of antibiotics used for a range of human diseases including serious gastrointestinal diseases in children and […]
China Isn't For Dummies | CorrenteWire: China can now credibly threaten to stop financing US deficits and start dumping greenbacks. This is a very credible threat. If executed, inflation, the costs of imports, and interest and mortgage rates would skyrocket. With higher housing costs leading the way, consumers would soon be overburdened. The result: a […]
Informed Comment: Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector, has spoken out against Bush administration negotiating tactics with Iran. He points out that Washington’s insistence that Iran capitulate to all Bush’s demands before negotiations even begin is “humiliating.” He also reveals that the Iranian civilian nuclear energy research program is much more primitive today than […]
USNews.com: Opinion: Gloria Borger: Online On Politics: Al in All His Glory: Al in All His GloryThere he was, in all his glory–and his Ralph Lauren tux–accepting an Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth. He was not the old Al Gore we have come to know who, well, bores us. He was funny. He was genuinely […]
Perth Independent Media Centre: From the NEWSWIRE: February 28, 2007 – In a successful attempt to stop the deportation of a Falun Gong practitioner to China, this morning some 100 detainees at Sydney’s Villawood detention centre formed a human barricade. Refugee Action Coalition of NSW said the detainees assembled in and around a recreation room […]
America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s regime is accused of repressing minority rights and culture In a move that reflects Washington’s growing concern with the failure of diplomatic initiatives, CIA officials are […]
News Analysis – Rove Said to Have Received 2003 Iranian Proposal: The Iranian proposal for negotiations, which suggested that Iran was willing to consider far-reaching compromises on its nuclear programme, relations with Hezbollah and Hamas and support for a Palestinian peace agreement with Israel as part of a larger peace agreement with the United States, […]
Speaker Of The Truth: UK: Psychics ‘Hired To Find Bin Laden’: Psychics were recruited by the Ministry of Defence to locate Osama Bin Laden’s secret lair, it was claimed yesterday. Newly declassified documents revealed that the MoD conducted an experiment to see if volunteers could ‘see’ objects hidden inside an envelope. Technorati Tags: lesbian, dumb, […]
Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » Jobs Files for State Supreme Court Review in Jackling House Case: Steve Jobs is for the second time appealing the court ruling that said he may not destroy the historic Jackling House, where he currently lives. Says 89 year old Gladys Woodham of the a […]

Quiddity: Torture Today: What Terry Gilliam’s Brazil tells us about torture today. Link via GitM. Technorati Tags: puppy
General: Finding Bin Laden Not “All That Important” | The Huffington Post: “I don’t know whether we’ll find him,” Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, said in a speech to the Rotary Club of Fort Worth. “I don’t know that it’s all that important, frankly.” Schoomaker, pulled out of retirement in 2003 to […]
Why is America leading the world in bankruptcy filings? Is it our mind-set? Is it our need to acquire everything we didn’t have when we were younger? Bankruptcy Reader: Soaring Bankruptcy: Top 10 Reasons Why America is leading the World in Bankruptcy Filing technorati tags:bankruptcy, karmabanque, max, keiser, stacyherbert, fun, jjweejjjj, peet, moss, katemoss Blogged […]
Arthur Silber: “Large-scale public ignorance is necessary to the perpetuation of a fundamentally false national mythology”it’s a fact that to overcome our ignorance takes considerable time, serious thought, an open mind, and no small skill at discernment, but it can be done… And, yes, I DO take it personally: Arthur Silber: “Large-scale public ignorance is […]
IMPEACHMENT ArchivesFebruary 21, 2007Why impeachment is urgentThe recent skirmish with Congress over the “surge” shows that Bush still holds the trump card; his Senate Republicans, barely in the minority, can filibuster any legislation that would slow him down. For instance, last week’s vote by the House to censure the “surge” has no teeth, since the […]
SF Gate: Multimedia (image) technorati tags:seeya, global, warming, hubris, denial, bush, bloat Blogged with Flock
He’s one of us and he’s been in jail longer than any other refusenick journalist: The Revolution Will Be Televised » Watch Josh on PBS Frontline! Part two of the extraordinary Frontline series titled News War aired last night and will replay on PBS affiliates this week. Check it out. Watch the whole episode. Seeing […]
Sirius Shows for Week of 02/26/07 yeast radio 02/26/07 – YR534 SHOW LINK: http://www.syphill.us/sirius/weekof022607/yr534sirius.mp3 BLOG LINK: http://yeastradio.podshow.com/?p=1001 SYNOPSIS: Richard Bluestein hosts. Madge is out with a yeast infection and she has no yogurt at home. Richard plays some heavily drug induced radio from the original Yeast Radio of 1997. It’s completely ridiculous and kind of […]
Surprise! I’m a liberal! | CorrenteWire Liberals represent 17 percent of the American public, and 19 percent of registered voters. This group has nearly doubled in proportion since 1999, Liberals now comprise the largest share of Democrats and is the single largest of the nine Typology groups. Liberals are second only to Enterprisers in following […]
The Waxman cometh | CorrenteWire Of the $10 billion in overpriced contracts or undocumented costs, more than $2.7 billion were charged by Halliburton Co., the oil-field services company once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney. How odd. Noting that auditors still have $300 billion of Iraq spending to review, [Rep. Henry] Waxman said the total […]
The nerve of this SHIT propaganda trash to put this war mongering yellow journalism on the front page. NYTIMES NEEDS TO GO DOWN. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 — President Bush said today he is certain that elements of the Iranian government are supplying deadly roadside bombs that kill American troops in Iraq, even if the innermost […]
week of feb 19 2007: Yeast Radio Monday, 2/19/07 from yr531 blog link: http://yeastradio.podshow.com/?p=994 show link: http://www.syphill.us/sirius/weekof021907/yr531sirius.mp3 Synopsis: Madge reads her version of the F-list, but hers is called the H-list. The Opera Queen calls with lots of operatic drama and gossip. Senators Fenstein and Beiden and why they are turds. Also, Madge makes yogurt […]