Freedom of speech is just that. First of all, the so called ‘A-list’ bloggers are for the most part a bunch of constipated fat dweebs who think when they discover something, that they are the first to have conquered the new territory in question. Example: Twitter. It’s what livejournal was in 2000 only with Twitter, […]
This is so funny. South Park is now broadcasting in HD. What on earth is the point of crude, unartisticly drawn (or construction paper- not sure) cartoons in HD? What benefit could that possibly offer other than to help a ‘dude’ rationalize his purchase of a 42″ plasma penis? P.S. I am a fan of […]
I think that all of the content distributors will have to offer bittorrent in order to remain competitive. BT drastically reduces distribution costs and once the end user catches on, it will virtually eliminate them, at least for popular podcasts. Less popular podcasts will be more expensive to distribute. This is a disturbing truth, IMO. […]
I’m going to PodCamp NYC April 5-6 2007.
I’ve seen a few bloggers ask this question of late. No, it’s not dead, no thanks to those of you who have already given up on it in the search for the next big thing. Podcasting is not dead for those who had a message before they found the medium. Vlogging will have the same […]
I agree with Winer here wholeheartedly. The big question is why has Time magazine become one giant ad for Apple? Do they share many board members or interests? Scripting News: 1/13/2007 I don’t believe for a minute that Jobs’s closed-box approach to cell phones is the right one. Growth is driven by choice. The Internet […]
US stun gun maker Taser is unveiling a sleeker version of its controversial weapon aimed at safety and fashion conscious members of the public.Available in pink, blue, silver and black, the gun fits into a handbag like a mobile phone. It will be launched at a Las Vegas electronics fair on Monday.Taser guns temporarily incapacitate […]
Companies that do not keep close tabs on PDAs, instant message conversations and other forms of electronic data may soon be in for a nasty surprise, should they find themselves in court. As of December 1, 2006, new guidelines, called the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, go into effect. The rules, set by the U.S. […]
Someone’s going to get a bunch of justifiably angry emails from the Videoblogging Group tonight.Imagine if a website launched…and they simply reposted blog posts from Boing Boing, Scobleizer, Engadget, etc. These kind of sites are called “splogs”. Any funded site knows this is a no no.But new video hosting companies are still all learning that […]
Intellectual Property. What a fucked up concept. Anyway- there’s more shit being sturd by Big Asshole: Technology and communications companies also stressed that adding a broadcast right would expose them to greater liability. Currently, the DMCA protects ISPs from being liable for users violating copyright over their pipes—the idea is that ISPs shouldn’t have to […]
I highly reccomend this new vlog from this completely insane person. His work is excellent. United Vloggers technorati tags:vlogs, vlogging, vloggercunt, yeast, macdocoman, amsterdam, podshow, podblow, eatme, 2.0, 2.blow, eatitout, cuntfart, prolayupse, prolapse, qpodder, kissmy.gack Blogged with Flock
Seriously. I want to know. This show was one of the best out there and an original. Did Steve quit Podshow, the company I also work for? Curry mentioned it but I wasn’t sure if it was a joke or not. Nope, it’s not an ongoing joke. Steve has stopped sending out the weekly email […]
My small Macworld prediction is that Apple will announce the immediate availability of Beatles songs on iTMS. Weblog: Comments for ‘Small Macworld prediction’ technorati tags:TECH, itunes, fuck, geraldford, ipod, apple, beatles Blogged with Flock
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Nottinghamshire | Eggs-perts rule on chicken riddle “I would argue it is a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it,” said Prof Papineau. “If a kangaroo laid an egg from which an ostrich hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg,” he […]
mactastic: A2DP Finally in Leopard Indeed, some aspiring Mac OS X hacker should backport the A2DP and AVRCP support from the Leopard preview. I can’t imagine that it’s THAT difficult, I just don’t know enough about the OS design to know what to do…
Will robots ever become just like humans? | The Register We are getting very close to building an almost human-like robot. However, we will never be able to build a completely human-like robot since robots will never be able to biologically reproduce. Other than this, theoretically, robots could look, act, think, and feel like humans […]
“The Bush administration is clamping down on scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey,the latest agency subjected to controls on research that might go against official policy.New rules require screening of all facts and interpretations by agency scientists who study everything from caribou mating to global warming. The rules apply to all scientific papers and other […]
Causes of kernel panicsGeneral causes of kernel panicsKernel panics are often caused by one or more of the following issues. * Defective or incompatible RAM are the most frequent causes of kernel panics. Despite being a highly-reliable product, RAM can fail. Modern operating systems, like Mac OS X, are sensitive to RAM. Purchase additional RAM […]
Who cares about your fucking iPhone?
Secrets, Lies, And Sweatshops A compliance manager for a major multinational company who has overseen many factory audits says that the percentage of Chinese suppliers caught submitting false payroll records has risen from 46% to 75% in the past four years. This manager, who requested anonymity, estimates that only 20% of Chinese suppliers comply with […]
hipcast. I don’t know if it’s live or beta or open or what.