Blue Blog
Categories: Me, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Jesus. I just realized I haven’t posted for over a year! I guess I should post more frequently.

Categories: journalism | 2 Comments

from Marije Meerman, the wife of my friend Michael Schaap from Amsterdam: Coming Tuesday the 12th of August, the documentary China Prep will be broadcasted by PBS – Wideangle at 9 PM (ET). The film is produced by the Dutch company Submarine ( and originally made for an European audience. A co-production with the American […]

Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

I’m trying to put some closure (well not really closure- can’t think of a better word) on this topic because the debate among friends and acquaintances has gotten heated. I respect anyone who does his/her best to vote for the right person. My friends are pretty much split down the middle with respect to Hillary/Obama. […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on If the election were held tomorrow…

I would not vote for president. I would vote for the other races, however.

Categories: Health | Comments Off on CNN Admits Defeat Regarding SiCKO

CNN Throws in Towel, Admits to Two Errors, and States That All ‘Sicko’ Facts Are True to Their Source (or something like that)… Moore Realizes All This is Huge Distraction and Then Spends More Precious Time Thanking Paris Hilton for Seeing ‘Sicko’… Meanwhile, More than 300 Americans Die Because They Had No Health Insurance During […]

Categories: Politics, war against dumb | Comments Off on What’s the difference?

…between a Republican and a Democrat? Both allow corporations to fasciastly run the state: His achievement required political clout, and that, too, is on display. Soon after he formed Citigroup, Congress repealed a Depression-era law that prohibited goliaths like the one Weill had just put together anyway, combining commercial and investment banking, insurance and stock […]

Categories: Politics | Comments Off on Edwards Drops the Gay Ball | CorrenteWire

Edwards Drops the Gay Ball | CorrenteWire Let’s just make it simple. John, here’s what you say: I support full and equal rights for all Americans, period. That includes the right to marry, regardless of orientation. That’s not hard. As Pam notes, “moral valuesâ€? handwringing and wishywashy “my daughter is for it before I was […]