The Revolution Will Be Televised » Please write letters to US Attorney Scott Schools: osh has asked his supporters to write letters to the new US Attorney Scott Schools both email and snail mail. Phone calls and faxes are good, too. The best DOJ email address for him is his secretary’s: Please CC […]
I agree with the Divine Ms. B. 100% here: Lady Bunny Blog: DON’T ASK, DON’T GO!: Gays in the military? Honey, gays in the MILLINERY, gays in the MONASTERY, these I understand. But why anyone would want to fight for their right to join the US military now is beyond me. “Let’s go die for […]
Gays in the military? Honey, gays in the MILLINERY, gays in the MONASTERY, these I understand. But why anyone would want to fight for their right to join the US military now is beyond me. “Let’s go die for nothing! It’s our right!” read the hole thing Technorati Tags: puppy
Corporate White House Latches On To BioFuels As Just Another Way To Steal | CorrenteWire: In a week of tumultuous revelations about White House involvement in the firings of eight US Attorneys for political reasons, the “true confessionsâ€? of Khalid Sheik Muhammad for all crimes committed against the United States and the world at large […]
This is so sick. We are moving rapidly towards China’s prison policies. Americans gave up their right to privacy long ago but what are we giving up here, besides our collective soul? S.C. bill gives inmate organ donors time off: – Inmates in South Carolina could soon find that a kidney is worth 180 days.Lawmakers […]
And why on earth does the NYTimes not actually report anything here instead of just cutting and pasting press releases and transcripts? “The e-mail does not directly contradict nor is it inconsistent with Karl’s recollection that after the 2004 election, Harriet Miers raised a question of replacing all the U.S. attorneys and he believed it […]
NYtimes is spamming my blog. ( Technorati Tags: spam, nytimes
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: “A newly discovered letter by Adolf Hitler’s architect and armaments minister Albert Speer offers proof that he knew about the plans to exterminate the Jews, despite his repeated claims to the contrary.”
White House Said to Prompt Firing of Prosecutors – New York Times: The White House was deeply involved in the decision late last year to dismiss federal prosecutors, including some who had been criticized by Republican lawmakers, administration officials said Monday.
MONDAY: yr555 BLOG LINK: SHOW LINK: SYNOPSIS: Madge has a nervous breakdown and screams at her audence for being idiots. SHe feels better. WEDNESDAY: yr556 BLOG LINK: SHOW LINK: SYNOPSIS: Stream of cuntjuiceness in which madge talks about making yogurt, Bush firing attorneys, the movie OutFoxed, and Millie’s Yiddishe Class SATURDAY: […]
I find absolutely no creditability in people who always take the party line, whether democrat, republican or whatever. How can someone actually defend Clinton’s horrible record on gay rights? What Halitosis failed to mention is that his biggest anti-gay act was also an anti human act and is the reason I did not vote for […]
Pelosi is the best. She the bomb! (not literally, that’s Bush). You know why she’ soo great? Because it’s not about power for her. She’s a grandmother first and foremost. She is happy at home and was raissed by parents who loved her. Not like how W. was thrown to nursemaids by a nasty old […]
I have never not liked Nancy Pelosi, we are very very lucky to have her where she is. She’s just a Cheney blood clot away from being Vice President. Right? The Gavel » Blog Archive » The People’s House: As a strong advocate for open and transparent government, I am pleased that C-SPAN is expanding […]
Josh Wolf is a fellow blogger and podcaster. He is also THE longest person ever jailed for being a journalist in American History. It is an outrage and a threat to all of our freedom. Please go this rally. Especially those of you who work at podshow. You can go there before work. Don’t think […]
What the fuck is it about software bb forums? Why is it that any time someone asks a question that they did not research thoroughly through every possible keyword search, they get yelled at for not RFM or not reading the FAQ or not reading every boring ass email in every snickers craving thread? P.S. […]
BBC – BBC THREE – Kill It, Cook It, Eat It: Do you ever find yourself indulging in a meat feast and wondering how the animal made its way to your plate? Presenter Richard Johnson is here to bring together the two key moments that are usually separated in our lives and minds: the death […]
The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday. […]
Marines responded to a suicide attack in Afghanistan by randomly shooting at civilians, including children. Winter Patriot: No Photos, Please: Marines Gun Down Civilians In Afghanistan: Nine witnesses — including five Afghans recuperating from bullet wounds in the hospital — told The Associated Press that U.S. forces fired indiscriminately along at least a six-mile stretch […]
I rarely do this, but I’m afraid I have to side with the Republicans on this issue. I have lived through one of these Union “elections” a few years ago when working for a local hospital. To say that this union used heavy handed techniques to “swing” the vote is a dramatic understatement. The union […]
A certain evil neoconservative pundit female has been running her mouth with homophobic slurs. Ziegfield knew in the late 1800’s how to get his performers famous: make the press write about them. That’s ALL she is doing… trying to get you to write about her. It is working. Don’t say her name. Technorati Tags: assholism, […]
Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » Bill Clinton Against Iran Attack: Bill Clinton advocated a diplomatic resolution of the nuclear impasse with Iran and criticized the military option touted by the Bush Administration: Technorati Tags: iran, bill clinton, iraq