Blue Blog

Some things are really fucking obvious, but in America that just means Fox News has more work to do. In a for-profit healthcare system, such as the one we have now, private insurance companies only insure people with whom they can earn a profit. Therefore, they will not insure high-risk customers. In such a situation […]

I believe that years from now historians will refer to the time in which we are living as the “Post-Bush Era.” Post-Bush because Bush will be seen as the idiot who fucked up everything. Hopefully there will be another era after this period, but who knows what crazy shit finna happen next? But it will […]

Upset as I am about the fading hopes for health care legislation, I think it’s important to focus blame where it belongs the most: On the CEO’s of the evil health care insurance companies who would rather see tens of thousands of people die rather than to sacrifice any money from the bottom line. Blame […]

lots of money on all these new consumer devices including a line of tablets which didn’t even exist until now. Oh and don’t forget all this ridiculous 3D crap. New camcorders, new TV’s, new cable dishes. New shit galore. By buying all this crap you will be fulfilling your patriot duty as a consumer. (You […]

The bill sucks a lot and keeps getting to suck more but in its current form it provides middle and low income people with billions in subsidies to help pay for coverage. Also, it eliminates the ability of insurance companies to refuse coverage for pre-existing conditions. CUrrently coverage can and usually is refused for disorders […]

OK so I’ve been thinking about this all day. First of all, a caveat: I may completely contradict opinions that I have held as recently as this morning. My mind often changes, but I’m just trying to figure this all out… aloud. If we blame the politicians, it gets us nowhere. Just about all of […]

My friend often speaks of obesity as an agressive act. I am on the 78 montrose bus. I was sitting comfortably in my seat when a member of said farkenspestulance sat on the seat in front of me, doing so with no sympathy whatsoever for his seat. It crushed my knees. 50 years ago this […]

Categories: Health | Comments Off on CNN Admits Defeat Regarding SiCKO

CNN Throws in Towel, Admits to Two Errors, and States That All ‘Sicko’ Facts Are True to Their Source (or something like that)… Moore Realizes All This is Huge Distraction and Then Spends More Precious Time Thanking Paris Hilton for Seeing ‘Sicko’… Meanwhile, More than 300 Americans Die Because They Had No Health Insurance During […]

Categories: Health | 1 Comment

A well seasoned iron pan eliminates the need for toxic non-stick coating. It is also cheaper.

Categories: Health | Comments Off on Radical Changes to How People are Resusitated after the Heart Stops via Newsweek

OK, this is fascinating, big stuff. We’re on the verge of a huge breakthrough it sounds like: Biologists are still grappling with the implications of this new view of cell death—not passive extinguishment, like a candle flickering out when you cover it with a glass, but an active biochemical event triggered by “reperfusion,” the resumption […]