Pelosi is the best. She the bomb! (not literally, that’s Bush). You know why she’ soo great? Because it’s not about power for her. She’s a grandmother first and foremost. She is happy at home and was raissed by parents who loved her. Not like how W. was thrown to nursemaids by a nasty old […]
I have never not liked Nancy Pelosi, we are very very lucky to have her where she is. She’s just a Cheney blood clot away from being Vice President. Right? The Gavel » Blog Archive » The People’s House: As a strong advocate for open and transparent government, I am pleased that C-SPAN is expanding […]
Josh Wolf is a fellow blogger and podcaster. He is also THE longest person ever jailed for being a journalist in American History. It is an outrage and a threat to all of our freedom. Please go this rally. Especially those of you who work at podshow. You can go there before work. Don’t think […]
What the fuck is it about software bb forums? Why is it that any time someone asks a question that they did not research thoroughly through every possible keyword search, they get yelled at for not RFM or not reading the FAQ or not reading every boring ass email in every snickers craving thread? P.S. […]
BBC – BBC THREE – Kill It, Cook It, Eat It: Do you ever find yourself indulging in a meat feast and wondering how the animal made its way to your plate? Presenter Richard Johnson is here to bring together the two key moments that are usually separated in our lives and minds: the death […]
The French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday. […]
Marines responded to a suicide attack in Afghanistan by randomly shooting at civilians, including children. Winter Patriot: No Photos, Please: Marines Gun Down Civilians In Afghanistan: Nine witnesses — including five Afghans recuperating from bullet wounds in the hospital — told The Associated Press that U.S. forces fired indiscriminately along at least a six-mile stretch […]
Monday YR551 Don’t Kill Yourself Madge Walks around the house babbling psychotically about topics ranging from depression to dieting. Also, madge makes yogurt to cure yeast during the program. Wednesday YR552: THE VAGINA IS OPEN AND WET SO IT’S TIME TO MOVE IT ON IN, HON2THENAY! Madge complains about the 2008 presidential election, […]
This is so funny. South Park is now broadcasting in HD. What on earth is the point of crude, unartisticly drawn (or construction paper- not sure) cartoons in HD? What benefit could that possibly offer other than to help a ‘dude’ rationalize his purchase of a 42″ plasma penis? P.S. I am a fan of […]
I rarely do this, but I’m afraid I have to side with the Republicans on this issue. I have lived through one of these Union “elections” a few years ago when working for a local hospital. To say that this union used heavy handed techniques to “swing” the vote is a dramatic understatement. The union […]
I was going to renew my flickr account and at least temporarily decided not to because of the extremely annoying 2.0licious language used in their email to me today. So, if you don’t know how to write, that’s fine. Just say what you want to say. Adding moronic diminutives and Stepford Wives adjectives to your […]
New site for people with disabilities ~ tech of a wheelee: Having a disability and really using the internet and technology as a tool for networking. I have found a sight called It is a message board, forum for dating similar to myspace. It is also a place where people with disabilities can learn […]
A certain evil neoconservative pundit female has been running her mouth with homophobic slurs. Ziegfield knew in the late 1800’s how to get his performers famous: make the press write about them. That’s ALL she is doing… trying to get you to write about her. It is working. Don’t say her name. Technorati Tags: assholism, […]
Tikun Olam-תקון עול×?: Make the World a Better Place » Bill Clinton Against Iran Attack: Bill Clinton advocated a diplomatic resolution of the nuclear impasse with Iran and criticized the military option touted by the Bush Administration: Technorati Tags: iran, bill clinton, iraq
Why Can’t We Talk about Peace in Public? « The Moderate Observer: America’s growing economic dependence on the hi-tech defense industry is creating a culture that views peace and nonviolence as seditious concepts.“The fellas from 121 started showing up the other day. It’s starting to sink in… I’ll have to go home, the opportunities to […]
China’s will boost defense spending by 17.8 percent in 2007, accelerating the emerging power’s string of annual double-digit rises in money for a modern military that reflects its economic strength. Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the National People’s Congress, said on Sunday that the planned budget for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) this year was 350.92 […]
The Food and Drug Administration may be poised to approve a controversial antibiotic for cattle despite fears it could hurt human health, The Washington Post reported in Sunday’s edition. The drug, called cefquinome, is a fourth-generation cephalosporin, a class of antibiotics used for a range of human diseases including serious gastrointestinal diseases in children and […]
China Isn't For Dummies | CorrenteWire: China can now credibly threaten to stop financing US deficits and start dumping greenbacks. This is a very credible threat. If executed, inflation, the costs of imports, and interest and mortgage rates would skyrocket. With higher housing costs leading the way, consumers would soon be overburdened. The result: a […]
Informed Comment: Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector, has spoken out against Bush administration negotiating tactics with Iran. He points out that Washington’s insistence that Iran capitulate to all Bush’s demands before negotiations even begin is “humiliating.” He also reveals that the Iranian civilian nuclear energy research program is much more primitive today than […] Opinion: Gloria Borger: Online On Politics: Al in All His Glory: Al in All His GloryThere he was, in all his glory–and his Ralph Lauren tux–accepting an Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth. He was not the old Al Gore we have come to know who, well, bores us. He was funny. He was genuinely […]