Blue Blog

I believe that years from now historians will refer to the time in which we are living as the “Post-Bush Era.” Post-Bush because Bush will be seen as the idiot who fucked up everything. Hopefully there will be another era after this period, but who knows what crazy shit finna happen next? But it will […]

So if corporations have freedom to spend whatever they want on campaigns, and corporations can be owned by anyone, including foreigners, how are we now not China’s bitch? Cold war what? Communism who?

Just look at today’s Supreme Court decision to lift campaign finance limits. This decision was made along party lines with the court’s four liberals dissenting. ALL FIVE of the majority opinion were judges appointed by Republican presidents. So now corporations have even more control thanks to the court whose majority was created by Republican presidents. […]

Upset as I am about the fading hopes for health care legislation, I think it’s important to focus blame where it belongs the most: On the CEO’s of the evil health care insurance companies who would rather see tens of thousands of people die rather than to sacrifice any money from the bottom line. Blame […]

Categories: apple, iphone, Politics, Tech | 2 Comments

This morning, I was reading a rumor about the possibility of a touch screen iMac. Whether or not this rumor is true, it emphasises a possibilty that I’ve been concerned about: What if Apple is slowly migrating the iPhone OS over to all of it’s Macintosh product line? I know you may be thinking that […]

lots of money on all these new consumer devices including a line of tablets which didn’t even exist until now. Oh and don’t forget all this ridiculous 3D crap. New camcorders, new TV’s, new cable dishes. New shit galore. By buying all this crap you will be fulfilling your patriot duty as a consumer. (You […]

Max Keiser, in this video, interviews economist Ravi Batra who explains how deceptive the productivity rate is and how it actually harms the economy when salaries don’t rise accordingly. This is a VERY interesting interview and it starts at around ten minutes into this clip:

I’m livid to hear about the murder of Akmal Shaikh by the Chinese communist government. Akmal was a British citizen and this was the first time china executed a foreign national in about 50 years. The guy they killed was, according to his family, a sufferer of severe bipolar disorder complete with delusions of grandeur. […]

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The bill sucks a lot and keeps getting to suck more but in its current form it provides middle and low income people with billions in subsidies to help pay for coverage. Also, it eliminates the ability of insurance companies to refuse coverage for pre-existing conditions. CUrrently coverage can and usually is refused for disorders […]

OK so I’ve been thinking about this all day. First of all, a caveat: I may completely contradict opinions that I have held as recently as this morning. My mind often changes, but I’m just trying to figure this all out… aloud. If we blame the politicians, it gets us nowhere. Just about all of […]

I still feel that the most effective way to legalize gay marriage would be for gay people to boycott straight marriage until we are all equal with respect to marriage. Going to a straight wedding is like stepping into a segregated bus. It’s a segregated institution. Actually, it’s more like stepping into the BACK of […]

America has never been about equality. It’s about inequality. Case in point: marriage equality. Case in point: healthcare. There are assholes in this world who don’t think that everyone should have equal access to healthcare as well as marriage. Whether it’s about race, gender, sexual preference, etc., it’s always about the same thing: bigotry. We […]

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Categories: Politics | 2 Comments

noneck’s links: Twitter Qik Video Blog Huffington Post Article He will be interviewed tomorrow on Democracy Now and Friday on our friend Mikeypod‘s podcast.

Mess, Andy Melton is still fat. You were supposed to help him loose weight but you FAILED MISERABLY. I can see why your boss hated you. You probably didn’t do your work. And seriously, do you think I would *ever* operate my show(s) based on what one person thought/said? We started censoring the comments on […]

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

Dear Karen, As I stated below, I have already attempted to resolve this at my local post office. That is why I cc’d the Postmaster General, The Honorable Jack Potter. Perhaps Mr. Potter can resolve this since you are apparently incapable of such a daunting task. Regards, Richard Bluestein On Aug 7, 2008, at 9:16 […]

Categories: Politics | 1 Comment

Jean taco Originally uploaded by YeastRadio