Using copilot in power automate sucks. It’s wrong about a lot of things so I’m going to start posting things it’s wrong about here. To compare against a blank SharePoint date i a filter query use DateVar eq null To test if a string variable is null in a PA action use string(null) in the […]
In this blog post, I would like to address a question that has been raised by some of my colleagues and friends: Are artificial intelligence systems, such as chat gpt, conscious? This question is not only of scientific interest, but also of philosophical and ethical importance. If these systems are conscious, then they may have […]
Consciousness is one of the most fascinating and elusive phenomena in nature. It is the subjective experience of being aware of oneself and the world. It is also the basis of morality, creativity, and free will. But what is the origin of consciousness? How does it arise from physical processes in the brain? And can […]
There is a new chicken coop at the elementary school across the street. Ever since I found out about it a few days ago, I’ve been taking my almost 15 year old Italian Greyhound there to look at the chickens. He has never seemed interested. Today, I was there with Trotsky, trying to make him […]
I haven’t said much lately about bootcamp, not because I don’t have anything to say, but because it’s been really hard and I’m afraid my comments may be clouded by my bitterness. It’s really really hard. In the end If I get a good job out of this, it will be worth it.

I told my group project team I would be in at 11am today to work on flash cards. But I woke up at 11:15 and now I’m finally on my way to school at 1pm. This shit is really fucking hard. I’m certain it will be worth it in the end but right now it’s […]
Steve Jobs was famous for knowing what customers want before they know for themselves. However, now that Jobs is dead, Apple doesn’t know what it’s customers want. Perhaps Apple should start asking them.
I’m a newbie so this may be wrong. feel free to correct me. Just writing it here so I can remember it: I found lots of info on the web on how to create a HABM relationship but I could find very little info on how to create records using this relationship. This is my […]
II:30 PM got home. Time only for a quick bowl of chili which thankfully my family left out for me followed by a bowl of froyo with peanut butter mixed in. Now in bed typing this, hoping to get 6 hours of sleep. Last night I slept about 4 hours and then woke up and […]
I moved to Paris in late August of 2011. That is all.
Roosevelt grew the government to create jobs because the public sector wasn’t doing it. He raised taxes on corporations to help pay for that. Obama’s doing the opposite, even though he knows Roosevelt did it right.
UPDATE: just found out about this: Just to let you know- while google finally did reinstate my gmail account late Saturday, they did not fully reinstate my google plus account. They re-enabled my account only to the extent that I can log into it but I cannot post anything at all. This is of […]

UPDATE: google+ would not allow this to be posted, ironically enough. This will be my last post on Google+. This morning google cancelled my account for an unspecified TOS violation. This would have been upsetting but not the end of the world. What was the end of the world, however, was that they also disabled […]
I think today’s seniors are the last generation who will be able to retire. In American we barely have healthcare, have no mandatory vacation, and soon we won’t be able to retire. This is freedom.

Europe talks about avoiding global financial collapse but austerity IS global financial collapse for most people and the media buys into the idea that global financial collapse for RICH PEOPLE is the only collapse that means anything. It’s all based on the idea that trickle-down economics works. It does not. It’s like there are two […]
Just to let you know so you don’t have to spend hours searching for this like I did: You cannot do audio only transitions in FCPX. There is a work around: via @hdedition on Twitter hdedition: @bloatedlesbian Use two seperate Audio layers and indiivdually cross fade the end/beginning of each one. Need workarounds at this […]

Some things are really fucking obvious, but in America that just means Fox News has more work to do. In a for-profit healthcare system, such as the one we have now, private insurance companies only insure people with whom they can earn a profit. Therefore, they will not insure high-risk customers. In such a situation […]
Blue dog democrats lost mAny seats. Progressives did not. Democratic party is getting more progressive while the democratic president “compromises” and becomes more conservative. More precisely, Obama is doing what his wealthy corporate personage wants him to do: Ignore the electorate. Many non voters see this deception for what it is: Allowi the “consumers” to […]